
Central Coast Probate

Probate and Trust Administration for Estates with Guns

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Intellectual Property Basics for Businesses

Intellectual property (IP) is the driving force behind many of the world’s most innovative and successful businesses. IP rights—including patents, copyrights, and trademarks—protect intangible assets and help companies and individuals profit from the fruits of their...

Supreme Court in US v Rahimi Departs from Bruen While Giving it Lip Service

The US Supreme Court today released its 8-1 decision in US v Rahimi, holding that: When an individual has been found by a court to pose a credible threat to the physical safety of another, that individual may be temporarily disarmed consistent with the Second...

US Supreme Court Rejects Use of Corporate Redemption Obligation as Estate Deduction

In a major unanimous decision (Connelly v US) sure to cause revision of many business succession plans, the US Supreme Court earlier this month on June 6, 2024, rejected use of a corporate redemption obligation as an estate deduction. While the Court pointed out in a...

FBI Memo Urged Police Not to Release Nashville Shooter Manifesto

An FBI memo sent shortly after the Covenant School shooting urged police not to release the Nashville shooter manifesto to the public. Reasons given: future mass attackers would learn and copy methods; such "legacy tokens" are often misleading and not useful...

Supreme Court Rules Bump Stocks are NOT Machine Guns

A few days ago (June 14, 2024) in Garland v Cargill, the US Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision ruled that bump stocks are not machine guns. Actually, the Court ruled they are not "machineguns" and the Court uses that single word throughout the opinion as that is how the...

Seven Types of Gun Trusts

Here is a quick overview of seven major types of gun trusts: Trust Mill NFA Trust: This is a "simple" (sometimes shockingly simple) "cookie-cutter" type boilerplate trust designed for purchase of firearms and/or suppressors regulated under the National Firearms Act...

Benitez Blasts Bonta’s Billy Ban as Unconstitutional

Federal Judge Roger Benitez in the case of Fouts v Bonta recently ruled California's longtime ban on billy clubs (defined vaguely and potentially including many types of objects, for example any stick intended as a weapon) as an unconstitutional infringement of our...

Ayn Duringer Headed for Law School, Aims for Top Tax Program

My daughter, Ayn, will be heading for law school this Fall! She was offered a very nice package covering most expenses of attending the Levin College of Law at the University of Florida in Gainesville. Most estate planning attorneys like me, especially those of us...

Leftist Attack on Youth Gun Training Fails

Last week the Ninth Circuit denied en banc hearing in Junior Sports Magazines, Inc. v. Bonta, saving youth gun training from destruction by a leftist attack on gun culture. While there has not yet been a decision on the merits of the case, denial of en banc let stand...

How to Prepare Your Business for Recession

Financial winter is coming. Or is it? Despite renewed optimism that the US economy can avoid a deep downturn, economists say the chances of a recession in 2024 are still about even. Small businesses are feeling the pain from high inflation, declining consumer...

CA State Parks Does Not Restrict CCW

Does California State Parks allow licensed concealed carry (CCW) of a firearm at state parks and beaches? According to their FAQ page, the answer appears to be yes: Can I carry a concealed weapon in a state park if I have a Carrying Concealed Weapon (CCW)...

Fed Judge Enjoins Unconstitutional CA Ammo Restrictions

[UPDATE: Ninth Circus issued a stay today of the injunction by Judge Benitez. Not totally unexpected, but this particular circus is fast losing credibility. The State has ZERO chance of winning on the merits under the text/history test mandated by Bruen. Furthermore,...

Start the New Year with a SWOT Analysis for Your Business

Businesses require periodic evaluation to remain on track to achieve their big-picture goals. The new year is an ideal time to reanalyze, reassess, and reprioritize moving forward. A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis provides a...

Fed Judge Enjoins Unconstitutional CA Concealed Carry Place Restrictions

How does all of this make you feel about relying on politics and the courts to protect your family? How can the government be so fickle with your right to life? Maybe it's time your family takes control, with a F.I.R.S.T. Family Trust? [GOOD NEWS 01/06/2024: On...

Advisors Panic over Corporate Transparency Act (CTA)’s Orwellian Reporting Requirements

Did you ever put off studying for a final, until the night before the final? That's pretty much how the planning community is feeling about the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), which will go into effect January 1, 2024. Congress passed the devilish law several years...

SECURE 2.0 Act, You, and Your IRA Beneficiaries

On December 29, 2022, President Biden signed the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement 2.0 Act (SECURE 2.0 Act). The previous SECURE Act in 2020 made several changes to retirement planning: It increased the required beginning date (RBD) for required...

Noisome Signs SB2, Establishing Opportunity Zones for BLM, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda

After failure to pass a similar bill last year, Gov. Noisome recently signed into law SB2, which makes a concealed carry license more difficult and expensive to get, and basically worthless once you get it. But there is an upside for some: new opportunity zones for...

CRPA Mag Must Retract Erroneous Bulletin Slamming Gun Trusts

The March/April 2023 edition of the bimonthly magazine "California Firing Line", published by the California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA), includes an "Information Bulletin" at pages 19-24 entitled Firearm Estate Planning -- "Gun Trusts" which, rife with...