Our Family Protection Clinic emphasizes training of clients on our Client Maintenance Plan (CMP-level site members), so they can function as firearm instructors within their own family, developing a training culture that can outlive them, increasing efficacy of their dynastic firearm planning. CMP members are now entitled to an optional hour of private dry practice each month, scheduled at their convenience, which doubles as a confidential trust funding consultation. In addition, our weekly Friday clinic (“Handgun Drills – Instructor Development”) is restricted to CMP members and their guests, so CMP members may practice giving instruction (best way to learn). For example, CMP members might want to invite those guardians they named to protect their kids!
We continue to offer free handgun training to the public in an expanded monthly format on the last Saturday of each month, starting with a LaserShot competition which involves shooting fundamentals (sight alignment, sight picture, trigger control); followed by a Q&A session for those who watched our instructional videos “Estate Planning for Family Protection” and “California Gun Trust Planning”; followed by an airsoft handgun clinic providing an introduction to the concealed carry drills practiced in our advanced clinics.
Do You Need Our Free Handgun Training?
Perhaps not, if you can perform these drills as specified*:
- controlled pair (1.0 sec at close contact, 1.3 sec at either 3m or close with palm strike & step back, 1.5 sec at 7m)
- four targets at 5m (2.1 sec)
- designated head shot (1.3 sec at 5m, 1.5 sec at 7m)
- hostage rescue head shot (both sides, each 1.5 sec at 7m)
- tactical reload (3.5 sec)
- emergency reload (1.0 sec)
- malfunction clearance (1.0 sec for failure to fire, 1.2 sec for failure to eject, 4.0 sec for failure to extract)
Keep in mind that an average man carrying a knife (even a BIG one) can run 27 feet in 1.5 seconds. And don’t forget inertia!
*Above are master test times. Our standard skills test is much easier!
Standard skills test for waiver of Client Maintenance Plan (CMP) fee:
- tactical reload (4.5 sec)
- emergency reload (2.4 sec)
- malfunction clearance (1.4 sec for failure to fire, 1.6 sec for failure to eject, 6.5 sec for failure to extract)
Standard test is performed with concealment, at one or more of the monthly private handgun clinics included with your Client Maintenance Plan (CMP). There is no “shooting” or even drawing in our standard test. In addition to these basic drills, there is some practice of draw/shoot at our various handgun clinics (simulated with airsoft trainers), more on shooting fundamentals at our monthly LaserShot competitions (prizes awarded). Monthly events are open to the public. CMP members may bring guests to our weekly two-hour Friday clinic, where CMP members can practice giving instruction.
What is the best shooting stance? Read here.
Unloading basics:
The GUNTRUST® Course
Step ONE: Estate Planning Webinar
This is required because our free monthly clinic includes a Q&A session on estate planning techniques important to everyone, including gun owners. Watch our webinar, Estate Planning for Family Protection, here:
(Total viewing time: 51 minutes)
If you are married, watch this together with your spouse.
Step TWO: GUN TRUST Webinar
This short webinar is also required because our free monthly clinic includes a Q&A session on these issues. Very important info for current and future gun owners, or anyone handling an estate with guns! (Regular trusts may not work in California, and most attorneys are not aware of these issues.)
Step THREE: Estate Planning Priorities "Quick Quiz"
Submit our Estate Planning Priorities Quiz (Free Gun Training version) — very quick, easy multiple choice. Though called a “quiz” it is not testing you but simply asking about your estate planning priorities. On the form you can simply indicate you are interested ONLY in the free training, instead of indicating your priorities, but submission of the “quiz” is still required for the free training. There is no requirement to hire us, or buy anything, to get our free gun training!
When we receive your submission, we will add you as a guntrust.org FREE member so you can RSVP for the free training.
Step FOUR: Attend our Free Gun Training!
Use your free guntrust.org site membership to log in and RSVP for one of the free airsoft training events at our office. (Online training is available for those who cannot make it to our office.) You will want to keep coming back! And you can do that, free of charge, as long as you bring someone new with you. You never have to hire us or buy anything to get this free gun training!
(Highly recommend you read our article on shooting stance prior to attending.)
Step FIVE: Take Home Free Stuff
You get this free stuff just for attending the free gun training:
- Free Hat or Visor
- Free 3×5 “tea party” flag (see samples on this page)
- Free Estate Planning Strategies book (advisors only)
In addition, prizes are awarded depending on performance in competitions using our laser simulated range.

What is the Problem with the California CCW Class?
State law prohibits instructors from requiring more than 16 hours of instruction, which is inadequate, especially in a class format, to transform a new shooter into a well-regulated, unconsciously competent defensive shooter. Attaining comfort of skill at arms requires many hours (a lot more than 16) of perfect dry practice, in addition to live fire practice and other instruction.
Our Solution: Lots of FREE Training!
We have a solution to dangerously inadequate CCW classes: lots of FREE training at our office.
How can you provide all this training FREE?!
By providing our free training, we are really paying you to sit and learn about estate planning so you can educate others about the importance of planning (as well as training) for family protection. We want you to feel as passionate about estate planning as you are about firearms, and spread this passion to others. We want you to come back for more training and bring your entire neighborhood with you, eventually (not all at once, please). We never do any selling at our educational events. Selling occurs at your free design meeting, should you wish to participate in one of those (totally up to you, whenever you are ready).
ShootingBee.com (LawNews.TV/events)
Check out our events calendar.
All events are free of charge.
"Nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come." --Victor HugoLawNews.TV® was an idea ahead of its time. Created in the year 2000 by Attorney David Duringer to deliver legal information and counsel over the internet, the service used cutting edge technology of the time such as Webex to conduct highly productive, content-rich web meetings. But the practice was mainly local at that time and people naturally prefer meeting in person, so apart from our periodic LawNews.TV® newsletters and webinars, the web meeting aspect of the service was used mainly by clients residing in Washington State or more remote areas of California, or clients confined to their homes.
Fast forward to 2020: Everyone is confined to their homes. Plus we moved our main office to the Central Coast, so everyone is remote.
LawNews.TV® ... an idea whose time has come!
Will people learn to love confinement? Let's hope not. Let's hope we can all get back to normal social life ASAP. We do have satellite offices located throughout California for clients who prefer to meet in person, but even local clients enjoy the flexibility of meeting with us over the web as their "in-house" counsel.
LawNews.TV® is there for you. Try it out for free!