What Can Unearned Wealth Do To Your Kids?
Unearned wealth—even in modest amounts—can be a curse. It can lead to loss of motivation, guilt, diminished self-esteem, arrogance, profligate spending, and other destructive behaviors.
Incentive Trust Planning is the Solution: Introducing... The F.I.R.S.T. Family Trust
Our Firearms Instruction and Responsible Stewardship Trust (F.I.R.S.T. Family Trust) includes custom incentive planning in such areas as these:
- pursue an education at least through college or vocational school, not in excess, but as necessary preparation for career and life (for example, Trustee may in its discretion reward specific academic achievements);
- be gainfully employed with a view toward being financially self-sufficient;
- maintain career with continuing education;
- be a law-abiding member of society;
- actively train with firearms for defensive shooting and development as a firearms instructor, and regularly carry a firearm for family protection;
- engage in regular estate planning, for family protection;
- be a productive member of society by making meaningful and positive contributions to family, community, and society;
- engage in religious activities;
- engage in entrepreneurial activities;
- engage in creative activities;
- handle money responsibly and avoid wasteful spending (for example, Trustee, as a financial mentor to beneficiary, may in its discretion match retirement savings, assist with purchasing car/home/business/investments, evaluate stewardship of outright distributions free of trust);
- act with empathy, thoughtfulness, kindness, and compassion toward others;
- develop healthy and meaningful relationships;
- build and maintain family by remaining married, staying at home to raise kids when necessary, and engaging in family recreation;
- make contributions of time, money, or both to charity; and
- maintain a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle.
It's a Free Country! - Remember hearing that?
It is sad when a parent who believes in the American trinity of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum” has a child who believes that equality trumps liberty, that a secular America is preferable to a God-centered one, and that multiculturalism should replace the unifying American identity. – Dennis Prager

Incentive Trust Planning
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