
The Fatted Calf Trust

I’ve written several times lately on disinheritance and more benign alternatives to disinheritance. There is definitely a trend afoot toward greater disinheritance. I’ve noticed this trend in comments from colleagues on our estate planning attorney online...

Is your Trust a Parachute or merely a Safety Net?

There is a wonderful recent story about a Minnesota family that has baptized 27 babies over three generations with a baptismal gown made from the World War II parachute that saved grandpa’s life! I’m always coming up with analogies for trusts and often use...

Musk Bolts CA After New Law Bans Notice to Parents When Public Schools Gender Change Kids

Elon Musk announced yesterday he is relocating headquarters for both SpaceX and Xitter from California to Texas, due to concerns over bad new laws and escalating crime in California. In particular, Musk cited concern over Governor Noisome’s signing of AB 1955, a...

Trump Voters (59%) Far More Likely Than Biden Voters (19%) to Prioritize Marriage and Children, Poll Finds

A new Pew poll finds that Trump voters are FAR more likely (59%) than Biden voters (19%) to say that society should prioritize marriage and having children. That the rate is higher among Trump voters should not surprise anyone. I’ve definitely noticed a...

Seven Types of Gun Trusts

Here is a quick overview of seven major types of gun trusts: Trust Mill NFA Trust: This is a “simple” (sometimes shockingly simple) “cookie-cutter” type boilerplate trust designed for purchase of firearms and/or suppressors regulated under the...

As Your Kids Consider Sterilization, Incentives Can Make a Vas Deferens

Increasingly, young adults are choosing permanent sterilization. Your estate plan can punish them for doing so. (Or reward them, whatever.) Not talking about transgender surgery. Big sterilization issue there obviously, but that was the subject of another recent post....

Suicide Risk Doubles with Transgender Surgery

California men who undergo transgender surgery (removing male genitals and replacing with something else) double their risk of suicide. How long will we continue to allow this demonic, macabre nonsense? Most children confused about what sex they are, grow out of that...

California Gun Trust Planning

Presentation by Attorney Dave Duringer clears up confusion over California Gun Trust Planning. What is a Gun Trust? Is a Gun Trust Effective? Is a Gun Trust Necessary? Is a Gun Trust Recommended? YES! Every California gun owner should have one! A regular trust might...

How to Handle Conflicts in Family-Owned Businesses

Conflicts are inevitable within businesses and families. Personal rivalries, differences of opinion, competition for resources, and questions of prestige can set individuals at odds and lead to warring factions with competing loyalties. Resolving conflicts in both...

Business Trusts 101: What Entrepreneurs Should Know about Using a Business Trust

Trusts are usually associated with estate planning, but trusts can also apply to business operations. As a small business owner, you can hold the business in a trust instead of using a business entity such as a limited liability company (LLC) or corporation. Business...

How to Talk to Your Family About Business Succession

Benjamin Franklin famously quipped, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” From the very beginning, you had a plan for your business to succeed. You set goals and developed methods to achieve those goals. Your business has stood the test of time because you...

Prodigal Son Breaks News To Dad That He Spent His Entire Inheritance On Gender Studies Degree

I stole the title of this post from a great Babylon Bee article that just came out. For those who don’t know, Babylon Bee is satire. Strangely, their satirical articles often do come true. And this particular title hews closely enough to family settings often...

Return of the Gun Trust: AB 1292 Eases Estate Planning for California Gun Owners

UPDATE: See link below this article for updated analysis. *** When Governor Newsom approved AB 1292 on July 12, he made estate planning easier for California gun owners. Why would Sacramento Democrats make death easier for us? I can only speculate, but I’m guessing...

Inside America’s Evangelical ‘purity movement’ where teen girls make pledges to their fathers to stay virgins until they get married

Sounds like a good idea, possibly for inclusion in incentive trust planning: “I want to make a promise to myself and to God that I will stay pure until I get married. “I don’t have to have sex to know that I am loved.” The Purity Movement preaches...

Ash scattering at Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion a regular spectre

There are lots of ways to die embarrassed. Bad estate planning is one example; see the category above for others. Nothing can top being trampled for eternity while listening to bad puns! Seriously, have you given thought to the ultimate disposition of your remains? Do...

FPC 20180206: Family Protection

  The term “family protection” is used in many different contexts. For example, in insurance planning it often refers to the concept of “income replacement” for a family bereft of its primary breadwinner. What should “family...

How Boomers Are Redefining ‘Legacy’

Some families construct a legacy of memories and real estate, say by buying a vacation property that is held in a trust or other structure so it is equally owned by all heirs. “That keeps it intact for at least another generation and ensures that it is not...

“Estate Planning” Needs an Extreme Makeover

  Great article. Personally, I call my practice “family protection” law and the author appears to be on the same page as me. In its most fundamental state, estate planning should support the family (or the individual) first, and thereafter concern...

Pushing Wealth Transfer Plans Into The 21st Century

  Among affluent families, the disconnect between what their current wealth transfer planning does, and what they want their planning to do, is staggering. While 75 percent of wealthy parents say it’s important to leave an inheritance to the next generation, only...

Introducing the IT-LIT: Irrevocable Terror Life Insurance Trust

Are 72 virgins really enough? What if they turn out to be 72 Virginians? If you are bound and determined to blow yourself into smithereens or commit some other irrevocable act of terror, at least buy some life insurance so your (surviving) descendants can live like...

Key Considerations for Preparing a Family Legacy Plan

  Over the next 20 years, $30 trillion dollars could be transferred from the current generation to the next, making now a critical time for advisors to discuss multigenerational planning with high net worth clients. Along with planning for the financial...

The Other Reasons For Estate Planning

  Good discussion of incentive trust planning: Many subjects that serve as substantial planning motivators aren’t found on client questionnaires and are frequently absent from planning discussions. Source: The Other Reasons For Estate Planning (Well actually, we...

Life Insurance: It Was Never Just About Taxes

  This article raises important points — plan for the long-term and don’t let taxes direct the planning over more important goals — plus it’s a good review of the many benefits of life insurance. But as I’ve previously noted, the...