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What Is a Business Divorce? 

Business partnerships, like marriages, are complex relationships with highs and lows, challenges and rewards, good times and bad times. When people start businesses together, they should expect to experience growing pains. However, when differences are irreconcilable...

Should You Protect Your Business with a Nondisclosure Agreement?

Whether you are an entrepreneur starting a new business or are running a well-established business, your success often depends on safeguarding innovative ideas and information that give you an edge over competing businesses. If you have spent years perfecting a secret...

Musk Bolts CA After New Law Bans Notice to Parents When Public Schools Gender Change Kids

Elon Musk announced yesterday he is relocating headquarters for both SpaceX and Xitter from California to Texas, due to concerns over bad new laws and escalating crime in California. In particular, Musk cited concern over Governor Noisome's signing of AB 1955, a new...

Supreme Court in US v Rahimi Departs from Bruen While Giving it Lip Service

The US Supreme Court today released its 8-1 decision in US v Rahimi, holding that: When an individual has been found by a court to pose a credible threat to the physical safety of another, that individual may be temporarily disarmed consistent with the Second...

FBI Memo Urged Police Not to Release Nashville Shooter Manifesto

An FBI memo sent shortly after the Covenant School shooting urged police not to release the Nashville shooter manifesto to the public. Reasons given: future mass attackers would learn and copy methods; such "legacy tokens" are often misleading and not useful...

Trump Voters (59%) Far More Likely Than Biden Voters (19%) to Prioritize Marriage and Children, Poll Finds

A new Pew poll finds that Trump voters are FAR more likely (59%) than Biden voters (19%) to say that society should prioritize marriage and having children. That the rate is higher among Trump voters should not surprise anyone. I've definitely noticed a difference in...

Supreme Court Rules Bump Stocks are NOT Machine Guns

A few days ago (June 14, 2024) in Garland v Cargill, the US Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision ruled that bump stocks are not machine guns. Actually, the Court ruled they are not "machineguns" and the Court uses that single word throughout the opinion as that is how the...

How Does Concealed Carrying of Weapons Affect Violent Crime?

Although most research finds that concealed carry reduces violent crime, several recent studies claim to show that concealed carry increases violent crime. In a new study linked here, Professors Lott and Moody analyze three possible causes for the supposed increase,...

Seven Types of Gun Trusts

Here is a quick overview of seven major types of gun trusts: Trust Mill NFA Trust: This is a "simple" (sometimes shockingly simple) "cookie-cutter" type boilerplate trust designed for purchase of firearms and/or suppressors regulated under the National Firearms Act...

Benitez Blasts Bonta’s Billy Ban as Unconstitutional

Federal Judge Roger Benitez in the case of Fouts v Bonta recently ruled California's longtime ban on billy clubs (defined vaguely and potentially including many types of objects, for example any stick intended as a weapon) as an unconstitutional infringement of our...