by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Sep 7, 2024 | Blog, Defensive Gun Use, Dying Embarrassed, Estate Planning, Family Protection, Firearm Legacy, Firearm Training, GunLaw.Pro, Health Planning, Honor, Life
The Ninth Circuit panel in the May and Carralero (“May v Bonta”) sensitive places cases yesterday issued its opinion, written by Judge Graber (i promise to refrain from adding another b to her name), which, if not soon corrected by en banc ruling (either...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Sep 1, 2024 | Blog, Estate Planning, Family Protection, Fortune, Health Planning, Honor, Incapacity Planning, Life, News & Commentary, Religious Faith
The brother of Terri Schiavo, famous in the estate planning world for issues surrounding her diagnosis of Persistent Vegetative State (PVS), is warning of a possible weakening in Catholic teaching in favor of providing basic care for the incapacitated. The brother,...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 5, 2024 | Blog, Bloodline Protection, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Health Planning, Honor, Life, News & Commentary, Religious Faith
Increasingly, young adults are choosing permanent sterilization. Your estate plan can punish them for doing so. (Or reward them, whatever.) Not talking about transgender surgery. Big sterilization issue there obviously, but that was the subject of another recent post....
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 4, 2024 | Blog, Bloodline Protection, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Health Planning, Honor, Life, News & Commentary, Punishment, Religious Faith
California men who undergo transgender surgery (removing male genitals and replacing with something else) double their risk of suicide. How long will we continue to allow this demonic, macabre nonsense? Most children confused about what sex they are, grow out of that...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Nov 14, 2021 | Blog, Family Protection, Health Planning, Life
Could we see forced organ harvesting here in the US? Of course the notion seems far-fetched, but over the last couple years we’ve fetched so much culture-rending nonsense from far-away communist China that we could be up to our eyeballs in China soon. We...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Apr 6, 2019 | Health Planning
UPDATE: Every few months I see a story like the one below, and I try to make the time to blog it. However a few months after posting the story below, I had a client in my office relating a very personal and emotional story at least as amazing as any other such story...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Nov 3, 2018 | Estate Planning, Family Protection, Health Planning, Incapacity Planning
This flawed article also makes some very good points, so i’m copying a good portion of it below. [Just note that gun ownership is NOT declining as the article states (see here, here, and here).] While discussions about guns and gun ownership are common political...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Nov 3, 2018 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Protection, Firearm Legacy, Firearm Training, Health Planning, Incapacity Planning, Tax Planning
Here is a great little slideshow on top estate planning priorities to avoid tragedy and missed opportunity (“Top 10 Dangers Facing Senior Citizen Clients”) which I summarize below (adding a little California-relevant detail of my own), with a link...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Nov 1, 2018 | Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Health Planning, News & Commentary
Sounds like a good idea, possibly for inclusion in incentive trust planning: “I want to make a promise to myself and to God that I will stay pure until I get married. “I don’t have to have sex to know that I am loved.” The Purity Movement preaches...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Oct 24, 2018 | Blended Families, Dying Embarrassed, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Health Planning, Horror Stories, News & Commentary
There are lots of ways to die embarrassed. Bad estate planning is one example; see the category above for others. Nothing can top being trampled for eternity while listening to bad puns! Seriously, have you given thought to the ultimate disposition of your remains? Do...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Sep 7, 2018 | Health Planning, Incapacity Planning
This article is a good overview, written by a financial advisor. However, note that powers of attorney only deal with non-trust assets and are frequently rejected by institutions so be sure that your trust is funded and adequately plans for incapacity as well...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jul 4, 2018 | Health Planning
Have you addressed this issue in your Advanced Health Care Directive? Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) differ from pacemakers, which control abnormal heart rhythms. Pacemakers prompt the heart to beat at a normal rate through electrical pulses, whereas...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jul 4, 2018 | Health Planning, Incapacity Planning
I know, I know: “From my cold dead hands!” But isn’t it better to have a plan worked out with family — for guns, for long term care, for a bunch of things? Blessing had reportedly concealed two pistols in the pockets of her robe and then...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Feb 14, 2018 | Family Protection, Health Planning, Incapacity Planning
Why is it that Muslim countries seem to figure so prominently in black market organ trafficking, and human trafficking in general? Non-consensual spinal tap — more reason to have a good health care directive these days. Pakistani police have arrested four...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 24, 2018 | Archived, Estate Planning, Health Planning, Incapacity Planning
When you are down for the count, who will be calling the shots for you? You can control what happens, if you know about advance health care directives. We’ll focus on this topic at our Family Protection Clinic (aka estate planning seminar) lunch meeting on...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Aug 27, 2017 | Health Planning
My suggestion, for anyone wishing to go as far as DNA testing to be sure of the identity of remains, is to avoid cremating those remains. The couple has since received a new box that the crematory said is their daughter ashes, but they hope a DNA test can...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Apr 24, 2017 | Estate Planning, Health Planning, Retirement Planning
Hmmm…why wasn’t she allowed to stay in her home with live-in help? Sounds like she had the ability to pay for that, and repairs, too! Lots of history there and it’s all she knew. Rule 1.14 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct1 addresses...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Apr 22, 2017 | Asset Protection, Health Planning
When children turn 18, they legally become adults. If there was a catastrophic life event which rendered them unable to make their own life decisions, their parents no longer have any legal rights. If the young adult becomes seriously ill or disabled, it may...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Apr 20, 2017 | Archived, Estate Planning, Health Planning
The US study found those who drank a can of artificially-sweetened pop — such as Diet Coke or Pepsi Max — daily were at three times the risk of suffering the most common form of stroke compared to non-drinkers. They were also 2.9 times more likely to develop...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Mar 28, 2017 | Archived, Asset Protection, Health Planning, Retirement Planning
[bctt tweet=”Brevity is the soul of twit: ONE-SENTENCE BILL REPEALS OBAMACARE #tcot #ccot #MAGA” username=”guntrust”] “This Act may be cited as the ‘Obamacare Repeal Act,'” the bill states. And the bill uses just one sentence...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Mar 27, 2017 | Estate Planning, Health Planning
It’s alive! (Well, for the moment anyway.) Sacramento, CA–The latest battleground over gender theory is coming to nursing homes—and failure to conform to State orthodoxy could be a crime. The mandates on long-term care facilities, their employees...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Mar 23, 2017 | Estate Planning, Health Planning
Fraser Trebilcock Elder Law attorney Melisa Mysliwiec says that proper planning helps to ensure that the person with the diagnosis is able to contribute to important decisions about health care and long-term care, finances and property, and deciding who will...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Mar 23, 2017 | Estate Planning, Health Planning
The latest study takes a new approach, showing that, aside from ApoE, there are thousands of background genetic variations that each have a tiny influence on Alzheimer’s risk, but whose cumulative influence is substantial. The researchers first identified nearly 2,000...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Mar 23, 2017 | Estate Planning, Health Planning
Taxes, schmaxes — pendulum keeps swinging. But THIS could kill demand for estate planning overnight, at least among mice: The cells of the old mice were indistinguishable from the young mice after just one week of treatment,’ said lead author...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Mar 21, 2017 | Asset Protection, Health Planning, Retirement Planning
Additionally, under the Republican plan, unused health insurance credits can be contributed to an HSA. The idea that we could have “tax credits that can be deposited into a tax-advantaged account has never happened before in American tax history,” said Kevin...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Mar 5, 2017 | Estate Planning, Health Planning
According to WealthCounsel’s recent inaugural Estate Planning Awareness Survey: Less than half (45%) tell us that they understand that estate planning can be used to express an individual’s wishes related to personal healthcare decisions, e.g., whether to...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Mar 3, 2017 | Estate Planning, Health Planning
As we like to say in firearm training, there is no such thing as an accident — only negligence. (Or intent.} What are your end-of-life instructions? Get a free living will by attending our free estate planning seminar. A subsequent post-mortem later concluded...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Feb 26, 2017 | Estate Planning, Health Planning
“We don’t know if we’re going to get Alzheimer’s or anything like that. I think the best thing is to have your team of advisers. 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, is a good time to meet with an attorney, get estate planning documents put in place so there’s someone to act on...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Feb 12, 2017 | Estate Planning, Health Planning
Something to think about when filling out that advance health care directive: Now Martin is married and has penned a memoire about his life. He has gained control of his body and in his book Ghost Boy, he writes, “My mind was trapped inside a useless body, my...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Feb 1, 2017 | Health Planning
This is not the first such study, and I have previously suggested that attendance at my free training events, including my laser simulated range, could spark an interest in a healthy new hobby. “Mentally stimulating activities perhaps in combination with...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 31, 2017 | Health Planning
Heart disease is the leading killer of women, responsible for one in every four female deaths, and this danger was highlighted by the tragic death of actress Carrie Fisher in late 2016. But almost two-thirds of women who die suddenly from heart disease had no...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 29, 2017 | Estate Planning, Health Planning
Results: Among study patients (n = 104), 59% reported completing some form of ACP: living will 52%, heathcare power of attorney 54%, do not resuscitate 38%, and medical orders for scope of treatment or physician orders for life-sustaining treatment 6%. Whites...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 29, 2017 | Estate Planning, Health Planning
When a child is away at school and falls ill or otherwise needs medical attention (including for mental health purposes), most parents assume that they will be contacted and will have all the rights and responsibilities to direct care. You may be surprised to...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 10, 2017 | Estate Planning, Family Protection, Health Planning
Egypt and China are two big reasons to put some planning into how your agents decide to “pull the plug” — what does your advance health care directive say? CAIRO (Reuters) – Egypt has uncovered a network accused of illicit international...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 8, 2017 | Asset Protection, Charity, Estate Planning, Family Protection, Health Planning
This woman is an inspiration, leaving a rich legacy of charity. But note part of the reason she is able to do this: Finances aren’t a worry: A long-term disability policy she invested in provides 70 percent of her wages; Guy Morrison continues to work as a physical...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 8, 2017 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Health Planning, Retirement Planning
Advisors can steer clients towards the technology that will help them in old age. Here are the top five ways. Source: Five Ways Technology Will Change How Your Clients Age
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 2, 2017 | Asset Protection, Creditors & Predators, Estate Planning, Family Protection, Health Planning
On Dec. 13, 2016, President Obama signed the 21st Century Cures Act (H.R.34 — 114th Congress (2015-2016)). Section 5007 of the Act, titled “Fairness in Medicaid Supplemental Needs Trusts” incorporates language from the Special Needs Trust Fairness Act of 2015...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 2, 2017 | Asset Protection, Creditors & Predators, Estate Planning, Health Planning, Probate Admin, Retirement Planning, Spendthrift Children, Trust Admin
He has outlived all 10 of his siblings as well as his four wives, the last of whom died in 1988. All of his children have also died, and now he is survived by his grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren. Source: World’s oldest...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Dec 28, 2016 | Estate Planning, Health Planning
QUESTIONS FOR FAMILY DISCUSSIONS What do you hope for in your or your loved ones’ stages of frailty (older age or illness)? What do you hope for your family as a whole during these times? What are some fears and worries about aging (your own or when your parents,...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Dec 23, 2016 | Estate Planning, Family Protection, Health Planning
A reminder that dementia is progressive and at times accompanied by long periods of lucidity. Get any necessary estate planning done as soon as possible and of course, include a health care directive — which you can get free by attending our free estate planning...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Nov 13, 2016 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Protection, Health Planning
An Alaska man developed gangrenous toes. A Philadelphia woman froze to death on the street. An Illinois woman died emaciated, covered in excrement.These patients suffered as their government-paid caretakers neglected them, collecting paychecks under a Medicaid program...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Nov 7, 2016 | Estate Planning, Family Protection, Health Planning, News & Commentary, Religious Faith
I have no idea whether Janet Reno’s remains will be cremated, buried, or end up in someone’s “spirit cooking” recipe, but her death may be a good excuse to start thinking about cremation versus other options. Cremation is a very popular choice...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Oct 18, 2016 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Health Planning, Probate Admin
Lots of irony here, and perhaps some lessons. Famed local juvenile court judge who never had any children of her own, but has a building named after her that has housed probate court operations for the county, now has her estate tied up in probate court. Lamoreaux,...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Sep 17, 2016 | Estate Planning, Family Protection, Health Planning
Turns out, hospice care companies earn more when people stay longer: “When people elect hospice care they are forgoing curative care – and it’s important for them to know that,” Nancy Harrison, one of the investigators, said in a interview....
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Aug 31, 2016 | Family Protection, Health Planning
Gaming and education blend for Atari founder Monday, 14 Mar 2016 | 10:51 AM ET | 04:40The future of gaming could have benefits beyond mere entertainment, a gaming industry pioneer told CNBC Monday.In fact, it will be possible to stop dementia through the power of...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Aug 31, 2016 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Estate Tax, Gift Tax, Health Planning, Income Tax, Tax Planning
A practitioner’s checklist for clients near death Source: Twenty Tips for Planning at the Eleventh Hour | Wealth Management If attacked, do you want to be Victor or Victim? At SacredHonor.US, we hate it when people die embarrassed. And at Protect.FM, we believe good...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Aug 31, 2016 | Family Protection, Health Planning, News & Commentary
Doctors have woken a coma patient for the first time ever by jump-starting his brain using a pioneering ultrasound technique. Source: Doctors wake coma patient by JUMP-STARTING his brain using ultrasound – Mirror Online If attacked, do you want to be Victor or...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Aug 23, 2016 | Estate Planning, Family Protection, Firearm Legacy, Health Planning
Watch the video:
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jul 27, 2016 | Asset Protection, Health Planning
I went with “Living Trusts” in the title as that is the common nomenclature for revocable trusts but note that all inter vivos trusts (including the irrevocable ones heretofore necessary to avoid Medi-Cal recovery) are “living” (inter vivos...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jul 2, 2016 | Estate Admin, Health Planning
Decision here: Appellant Jesse G. appeals from the trial court’s orders appointing the Mendocino County Public Guardian (public guardian) conservator of his person and estate pursuant to section 5350 of the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act (LPS Act) (Welf. & Inst. Code,...