FPC #10: Retirement Trusts & IRA Protection
For many families, a large portion of the estate rests in a retirement plan which, on its own and without further planning, is essentially a separate estate plan with assets left completely unprotected. How do you protect and preserve the inheritance of retirement assets?
- What is a Qualified Retirement Plan (QRP)?
- What are the features of a QRP during life?
- What happens to a QRP after death?
- What is a Rollover IRA?
- What is an Inherited IRA?
- How does an Inherited IRA differ from a QRP?
- What types of QRP might not convert to an Inherited IRA?
- What is “stretchout”? is it automatic?
- Might your beneficiary spend all the money without realizing it is taxable, then face a disastrous tax liability?
- Is there a WAY to avoid loss of an Inherited IRA? (888-WAY-WILL)
This is one of the focus topics we present on a revolving basis at our weekly “guntrust Challenge” competitions — part shooting match, part quiz show.
So come visit our Family Protection Clinic and gain expertise on estate planning and self-defense!