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Elon Musk blames the “woke mind virus” for robbing him of his son whom he considers basically dead at this point because of the transgender cult.

Call it cultural marxism, woke, whatever, I have definitely seen a trend among colleagues on estate planning attorney listservs who have noticed an increasing trend of clients who want to disinherit one or more of their children.

I even have a radio commercial on the subject: Disinherit Woke

And i’ve blogged multiple times recently on safe and effective ways to do this, even in California.

It’s best of course if you can do this in a way that holds out the possibility of rehabilitating your child, once the child has crossed whatever moral line you set.

Even better is to plan well in advance to keep your kids and grandkids out of the hands of these Pied Pipers of Wokedom.

As Musk’s experience shows, avoiding public (government) school is not enough. Even some private schools can be cesspools of cultural marxism.

You have to be smart about the planning and maintain active family involvement. Perhaps to the level of homeschooling, which has worked well for many families.

If you plan accordingly and die early, your plan can keep your kids from the woke demons.

If you plan accordingly and live to a ripe old age, your plan still helps your kids if you explain to them the rewards and punishments under the plan, because they will live accordingly. And when you do pass, your grandkids will benefit from the same planning.

Comprehensive estate planning can have a real effect, premortem as well as postmortem, to foster family values and to define and maintain family mission.