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Someone pulls out and activates a chainsaw on BART while verbalizing a threat of massacre, and you respond by posting a video on Twitter? and BART finds out about it because of your hashtag #BART, apparently because no one else called 911 either? #SMH!

“I thought it was something serious. That’s why I started recording,” said Bluford.

In the clip, the suspect later identified as 47-year-old Patrick Bingham, picked up a red chainsaw and flicked the switch on it several times as he waved it in front of himself, yelling threatening comments.

At one point, he is heard to say “cut your freaking head off.”

“He did say a couple of things. He said something about ‘I’m the ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” Then he said, ‘No, I’m the BART massacre,’” explained Bluford.

In the clip, Bingham is then seen opening a second box which contained another chainsaw.

Bluford tagged BART in the Twitter video, which led officials to respond directly in the comments, saying that BART police were on their way.

Source: BART Rider Arrested After Brandishing Chainsaws On Train « CBS San Francisco