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Today, April 24, attorneys supported by CRPA and NRA filed the first of many critical lawsuits; the first step in restoring the full freedoms of the Second Amendment in California. This lawsuit challenges California’s newly expanded “Assault Weapon Control Act” (AWCA). The AWCA makes it illegal to manufacture, sell, transport, import or transfer hundreds of popular and commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms that the law inappropriately demonizes and condemns as “assault weapons.”One critical aspect of this new over-reaching law is that if you own a firearm equipped with a “bullet button” you must now register the firearm as an “assault weapon”. Other provisions would prohibit owners from transferring or selling these firearms to anyone in the state of California, including their own children or heirs upon their death.More details on this groundbreaking lawsuit will be revealed in the coming days so make sure that you continue to check your inbox and visit regularly.

Source: BREAKING: CRPA and NRA File Lawsuit Challenging California’s “Assault Weapon” Ban! – California Rifle & Pistol Association