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UPDATE: SB 918 is dead, for now at least.

Do you take psych meds for anxiety or depression? You’ll be happy to hear Governor Noisome is about to sign SB 918 approving a fantastic “best of” list of choice mass shooting venues throughout California!

Mass shooters in other states are forced to do their own research to find the perfect spot, and in some states that is no easy task. Just look at this list of mass shootings stopped by armed citizens — yikes!

But Governor Noisome has made the selection process easy for you, and the sites are plentiful, allowing you to focus more on execution and less on strategy.

Success tip: pick TWO sites right next to each other, and bring plenty of ammo! (remember, you are exempt!)

[For SB 918 status and other info, click here.]

From a CRPA Memo, here are the top 25 sites for planning a mass shooting in California:

SB 918
Key Provisions

New places where CCW is prohibited:
1. Any state or local public building, State capitol grounds, any legislative office,
Governor’s Mansion grounds and any property owned by the governor
2. The entire property of any location under the control of any officer of the state
3. The entire property (including parking lots) of all airports, harbors, and port facilities
(previously only restricted in sterile areas)
4. On any street or sidewalk adjacent to any school grounds
5. The entire property (including parking lot) of any preschool or childcare facility
6. The entire property (including parking lot) of any court
7. The entire property (including parking lot) of any detention center
8. The entire property (including parking lot) of any facility where any medical care is
9. Any public transportation that gets any funding from the government
10. The entire property (including parking lot) of any business or vendor that sells alcohol
for consumption on site (regardless of if it’s their primary business)
11. At any permitted public gathering, and on any street or sidewalk within 1000 feet of
any permitted public gathering
12. Any park, athletic area, or athletic center, or playground or youth center, and any street
or sidewalk adjacent to any of those things
13. All property under the control of CA DFW or CA DPR, except areas designated for
hunting or shooting
14. All property (including parking lot) of any public or private college
15. All property (including parking lot) of any gambling or gaming facility, or anywhere
lottery tickets (other than CA State Lottery) can be bought.
16. All property (including parking lot) of any stadium or arena
17. All property (including parking lot) of any library
18. All property (including parking lot) of any amusement park
19. All property (including parking lot) of any zoo or museum
20. All property (including parking lot) of any place of worship (unless a posted sign allows
21. Any parking lot adjacent to any church, whether or not it’s owned or used by the
22. All property (including parking lot) of any financial institution or bank
23. All property (including parking area) of any law enforcement agency
24. Any polling place, or street or sidewalk adjacent to a polling place
25. Any private business that is open to the public (unless a posted sign allows it)

New CCW application requirements:
1. Minimum 16 hour CCW course (8 hours for renewals)
2. Course must include written exam
3. 3 personal references (at least one must be a cohabitant if you have one, and at least
one must be a parent or current or former romantic partner)
4. Agency is required to interview all 3 personal references
5. Agency is required to review publicly available information about you (including public
social media posts, etc)
6. Renewal fees can be as high as new permit fees
7. License amendments $20 (up from $10)
8. Issuing agencies may require a psych evaluation, and you’ll have to pay up to $200 for

New CCW eligibility requirements:
1. You’ve never made a threat or committed an act of violence to themselves or others in
last 10 years
2. You’ve never been the subject of a restraining order (of various types)
3. You’ve never been convicted of any offense that resulted in lost firearm rights for any
amount of time
4. You’ve never been convicted of reckless use of, or display of, a firearm
5. You haven’t been in jail, or been on probation, for any drug or alcohol offense in the
last 5 years
6. You’re not currently abusing drugs or alcohol
7. You’ve never had a firearm lost or stolen due to improper storage or transportation
8. Psych tests have not shown you’re likely to be a danger to yourself or others
9. You’ve never been convicted of contempt of court (this one is a bit ironic, eh?)

Additional new rules for CCW holders:
May never carry more than 2 firearms at a time