This is the flagship 4-Day Defensive Handgun course at Front Sight Firearms Training Institute in Pahrump, NV. It is recommended that you stay for the entire 4-day course; however, that is not mandatory. Some students may accompany Dave Duringer and Front Sight staff on a private range for dedicated, high level instruction. Dave Duringer will be on a private range for the first two days only, not the regular class, but will assist students where possible over the first couple days and we will try to meet as a group after the first day for dinner.
You will not be charged any tuition for this training — for a FREE enrollment voucher, all you need to do is watch a one-hour webinar on estate planning. (That’s Step 1 at www.guntrust.org — follow the other steps and we will give you virtually UNLIMITED training at Front Sight!) However, you are responsible for your own food, lodging, transportation, ammunition, and equipment. Equipment rental is available if needed (we have rental vouchers at a discount). You must also provide payment of $50 to Front Sight for background check, and complete their enrollment process. Rather than logging in to our site and RSVP’ing as normal for our events, simply watch the webinar linked at www.guntrust.org and let us know after you watch it so we can send you a class voucher you can use for enrollment in the class. We will assist you with this process, if needed. Contact us once you are enrolled so that we can coordinate with Front Sight and get everyone on the same range. You may use your class voucher to sign up for another class at a different time, but by attending with our group we can assist you with enrollment and getting acclimated to Front Sight so that your training is a success. AFTER you attend, remember to complete Step 3 at www.guntrust.org so we can give you virtually UNLIMITED Front Sight training. (Remember, you can get a taste of Front Sight training by attending the free airsoft training at our office in Grover Beach.)
Here is an excerpt of the course description from Front Sight’s website:
4 Day Defensive Handgun
This fast paced and exciting course is for law enforcement officers, military personnel and private citizens who want a complete understanding of the defensive handgun and a skill level that surpasses 95% of those who carry a gun for a living.
Prerequisite Class(s): None – entry level course.
All students must show photo ID at time of sign-in.
This Is a Nevada POST Certified Course – Click Here for More Info
Regardless of your experience prior to entering this course, upon completion, your gun handling, marksmanship, and tactical skills will be better than they have ever been and you will be able to safely and easily present your weapon from a CONCEALED holster and fire two,sighted shots to the center of a target 5 yards away – all under 1.5 seconds! That`s right, from a concealed holster in 1.5 seconds!
You will understand the principles of tactics and have multiple opportunities to use your acquired skills under the stress of simulated, lethal encounters. This course is a must for anyone who chooses to own or carry a handgun for self defense.
Lecture Topics and Firing Range Drills:
As outlined in Two-Day Defensive Handgun*
[*Lecture Topics Include: Moral and Ethical Decisions on the Use of Deadly Force; Color Code of Mental Awareness; Criminal and Civil Liability; and more. Firing Range Drills Include: Loading and Unloading; Grip, Stance, Sight Picture, Sight Alignment, and Trigger Control; Presentation from the Ready, the Holster, and Concealment; Target Engagement from Arms Length to 15 yards under Time Pressure; Malfunction Clearing; Speed and Tactical Reloading; Live-Fire Tactical Simulator Introduction; and more.]
with added emphasis on Concealed Carry; Tactical Training Simulation using Realistic Targets in Shoot/No Shoot Scenarios; and Target Engagement from Arms Length to 15 yards under Time Pressure. Course also includes Supplemental Lectures on Shotgun and Rifle topics with Single Elimination Shoot-off, and Distinguished Graduate Skills Evaluation.
Firearm, Equipment and Ammo Requirements:
Go here for Handgun Requirements and Recommendations
“Pocket Pistols” are not allowed due to their very small size and difficulty of use.
Holsters must be on the belt, correctly fit the weapon, completely cover the trigger guard, remain open when the weapon is removed, not allow the weapon to cover the shooter’s body, and not have a trigger guard retention device (such as the Blackhawk Serpa model and others). NO thigh rigs, cross-draw, etc.
A minimum of three magazines and two single or one double magazine pouch is recommended. Magazine pouches worn on the belt on the side opposite the handgun. Speed loader holders worn in front of the holster.
Electronic hearing protection is mandatory and is available at the Front Sight Pro Shop or numerous retailers.
Sturdy belt, hat with brim, wrap around impact resistant eye protection, loose pants, comfortable shoes or boots and a concealment garment such as a vest, jacket or an oversized shirt, etc.
Go here for Ammunition Requirements
Age Requirements:
16 to 17 years old, welcome to take regular firearms courses alone as long as a parent or guardian is onsite; parent or guardian can be enrolled in a different course or on a different range.
Minimum age is 11 if taking the course with a parent or guardian. The parent or guardian MUST be the one working with the child during the entire course, and be responsible for only ONE child.
Children age 10 and under are not allowed.
Unattended minors are NOT allowed on the property. They must be escorted by a parent or guardian at all times or be enrolled in an appropriate course.