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UPDATE: To quell out-of-control rumors and riots resulting from the information vacuum, British judge has released information about the suspect in custody even though he is a minor, a few days short of his 18th birthday. Turns out the suspect is a migrant from Rwanda. The nature of the attack makes me still wonder if he is Muslim, but that seems very doubtful as only a tiny minority (2%) of Rwandans are Muslim.

Three little girls are dead and ten others are horribly wounded as the result of a knife attack by a suspected migrant.

Or is it the result of open borders? Or the result of unwise gun control in England? Who bears the blame?

How about all of the above?

Stories here and here.

Are your kids safe?

Feel like traveling to England any time soon?

Now the situation is devolving to riots. What a mess.

Get trained, get trained to train your family, and train them to train others in your family.