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UPDATE: Every few months I see a story like the one below, and I try to make the time to blog it.

However a few months after posting the story below, I had a client in my office relating a very personal and emotional story at least as amazing as any other such story i’ve blogged. The client, now in her sixties, told me of her older sister, a beautiful dancer, struck down at age 20 in a terrible car accident. She was comatose and everyone including the doctors recommended pulling the plug. But her mother kept the faith, remained constantly at her side playing her favorite music, and SIX MONTHS later she awoke from the coma. She had some mobility and speech issues at first, but she and her family never gave up during constant rehab throughout her twenties and eventually she fully recovered both mobility and speech, except for very minor issues. To this day, my client’s older sister, in her seventies now, is healthy and dancing. This is exactly the type of story I like to blog about, but hearing the emotional first-hand account directly from her sister made a huge impact on me. Every client needs to slow down and carefully consider these issues. 


Is your family’s life support system compromised?

Moments after a Michigan man made the heart-wrenching decision to take his wife off life support, she started breathing on her own.

Michele De Leeuw, 57, was rendered nearly brain dead by a heart attack she suffered in August while at home with her husband. Days later, one of her doctors told her husband, Karl De Leeuw that, “the woman that you know as your wife is not there anymore,” he said.

Less than four months later, she’s made an almost full recovery.

Michele De Leeuw was without oxygen for 15 minutes before Sterling Heights paramedics were able to resuscitate her, Karl De Leeuw said.

Story here.