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Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 14, Assembly Bill 424 will be heard in the Assembly Public Safety Committee at 9 a.m. in room 126 of the State Capitol building. Please use our TAKE ACTION button below to contact the members of the Assembly Public Safety Committee and respectfully urge them to OPPOSE AB 424.

AB 424, sponsored by NRA-PVF “F” rated Assembly Member Kevin McCarty (D), would remove the authority of a school district superintendent, his or her designee, or equivalent school authority to provide written permission for a person to possess a firearm within a school zone.

This is not the first attack on law-abiding citizens lawfully carrying their firearms in school zones.  In 2015, AB 707 was signed into law which prohibited concealed carry permit holders from carrying and possession on K-12 and university grounds without written permission from the school authority.  Supporters of the bill left the discretion to the school authorities on who could possess firearms on campus because they felt the school authorities were in the best position to exercise that discretion.  The question is – what have school authorities done to deserve to have this important decision-making power taken away from them?   To our knowledge, there have been no incidents with persons lawfully carrying on school campuses.

It is obvious that AB 424 is not about making our schools safer, instead this is only about continuing the assault on the Second Amendment and law-abiding gun owners in the Golden State.

Stay tuned to and your inbox for updates on this bill and others before the state legislature. Also forward this email to family, friends and fellow gun owners and encourage them to sign up for NRA-ILA alerts by clicking here.

Source: NRA-ILA | California: First Anti-Gun Bill Scheduled for a Hearing Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 14