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To you, your pet may be “Fluffy”. To someone else, your pet may be dinner.

How big is the threat posed by Asian or Haitian cuisine? Probably not huge, depending where you live.

But inflation is a huge threat, affecting everyone to some degree, including pets.

When inflation makes it difficult to meet even basic living expenses for some families, the definition of “family” for these families may cease to include the family pet as they make hard choices.

And that pet, wherever it ends up, might even fall prey to an even more desperate human who sees it as dinner.

Even if your pet is in no danger of being eaten, it is in danger of a hard life as a stray, or of being killed “humanely” after being picked by authorities. On my trips to Ukraine over the last several decades, I’ve seen the huge stray population of dogs go up and down as Ukrainians deal with the legacy of poverty from Russian imperial socialism, and now war. But at least the dogs are in no danger of being eaten by Ukrainians.

Whatever your opinion on these threats or potential threats, you have to admit there is a great deal of uncertainty about what will happen to the pet you love after you are gone.

A properly drafted pet trust, which we include free of charge with every revocable trust plan, can ensure care and protection of your pet after you are gone.

(But it cannot prevent your pet from voting. That would be our Anti-Post-Mortem Suffrage Trust.)