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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy (dated 8/30/2014) – Protective Law Corporation –

(Subject to change upon notice.)

To improve your web browsing experience, this website collects personally identifiable information (PII) via browser cookies.

More detailed PII may be collected from users via email newsletter subscription forms, lead forms, user registration, event registration, or confidential client questionnaires such as those used for estate planning.

Newsletter subscription forms collect only first name, last name, and email address.  This information is collected securely via third party email provider.  Newsletter subscription is strictly opt-in only and subscribers can easily and quickly unsubscribe at any time using links provided in the newsletters.  Alternatively, subscribers may contact us at and ask to be removed from the list.

Lead forms appended to various blog articles may collect phone numbers and email addresses and any other information the form-filler wants to submit including a request for legal assistance. This information is securely stored with a third party CRM platform, and is used to contact prospective clients regarding engagement, or to simply answer general questions about a blog post.  Contact to have this information deleted.

Site user registration may include slightly more detailed PII including physical address and phone as well as name and email.  Registration PII is used primarily to allow users to RSVP to scheduled training events, although it may also be used for marketing (including occasional emails), to remind users about upcoming events, for occasional sweepstakes prize contests, and for occasional mailings such as Christmas cards.  Users may contact us at to request deletion of their user account.

Confidential client questionnaires (such as those used for estate planning) obviously collect much more detailed PII, yet even these do NOT collect social security numbers or any information for credit card payments.  All information is collected securely via third party provider, where it is securely stored for up to 28 days, allowing user to save responses and complete the form as time permits.  If the applicant is no longer interested in estate planning, the applicant may contact us at to have their electronically-stored responses deleted.

Except as described above, PII is never shared with anyone and is never used to serve ads.  The only other exception would be if the law firm was sold, but sale of the firm is not anticipated anytime soon.

Information is not knowingly collected from minors and minors are generally not allowed to attend our training events.