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John Lott has some examples here of recent Hollywood propaganda using anti-gun scripts.

This is a longstanding problem I’ve posted on for many years, particularly on bad gun handling.

Lott notes (with examples) such shortcomings as failing to portray successful DGU (defensive gun use), overemphasizing problems such as getting shot, failing to stop crime, getting guns stolen, accidental shootings at home, shooting innocent bystanders, etc. In real life, these problems are rare.

Lott also mentions an episode of a show where a young woman with a concealed carry permit is berated by a police officer for having the permit and then fired from her job as a nanny because of the permit.

In another post here, Lott discusses a show where a criminal threatens a witness with a machine gun. Machine gun use by criminals is extremely rare (only one murder since 1934).

Perhaps it would be in order to disincentivize (punish) TV use under your estate plan?

Maybe even incentivize the destruction of TV’s (sort of a “Boston TV party”)?

If you use a machine gun to blow up your TV, please do so safely!