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Talk about long probates!

President Washington wrote his Last Will and Testament himself, without consulting any “professional character.” The will is dated July 9, 1799, less than six months before his death on December 14, 1799.


Probate lasted for some time. The will was presented for probate on January 10, 1800. (The will was printed as a pamphlet a few days later and circulated throughout the country.)  The court appointed a group of appraisers to value the assets at Mount Vernon.  Although the appraisal was conducted fairly quickly (probably in 1800), the results weren’t filed with the court until 1810. The estate was not closed until June 21, 1847.

Source: The Estate Plans of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln

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David R. Duringer, JD, LL.M, is a concealed firearm instructor and tax lawyer specializing in business and estate planning; licensed to practice law in the states of California and Washington. He is managing shareholder at Protective Law Corporation, serving Southern California from its Laguna Hills (Orange County) headquarters and satellite offices in San Diego County (Coronado and Carlsbad).

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