
Victory for #2A in Duringer v Morro Bay

Victory for the Second Amendment in Morro Bay today as Plaintiff David R Duringer files acceptance of Defendants’ FRCP Rule 68 Offer of Judgment in favor of Plaintiff in his federal case, Duringer v Morro Bay et al. More details to follow and an update will be...

Duringer v Morro Bay #1A #2A #14A Federal Suit Filed

Attorney David R. Duringer has filed a 92-page federal complaint (Duringer v Morro Bay) in US District Court, Central District of California, against the City of Morro Bay and several other defendants, for violation of his civil rights under the US Constitution,...

Fifth Circuit Vacates Stay on Injunction Against CTA

The Fifth Circuit on December 26 vacated its December 23 stay of a Texas federal judge’s injunction against Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). Although the merits panel still has the matter set for expedited appeal to the next available oral arguments panel,...

Fifth Circuit Stays Injunction Against CTA

Earlier this month, a Texas federal judge issued a nationwide injunction against the heinous and unconstitutional Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), which required burdensome reporting for many types of entities, even non-business entities created f0r family estate...

Succession Fail as Lack of Trust Protector Dooms Murdoch Plan to Control Woke Kids

As my practice matures and I take on more high-net-worth clients, it’s amazing how poor the estate planning is among some of these families. Sometimes, there is no planning at all! In other cases, there is very simple cookie-cutter planning, which is always bad...

Atty Dave Duringer on Hometown Radio with Dave Congalton KVEC 920AM 20241203

U. Kansas fires prof who called for anti-Harris male voters to be lined up and shot

You may have seen my posts or heard my radio commercials on the idea of #DisinheritWoke. Like leaving a legacy of firearm training, i think it’s much more important than trying to succeed in politics or the courts. Is it any wonder why so many of my estate...

TAX.GD updated with IRS Inflation Adjustments for 2025

The IRS has released Revenue Procedure 2024-40, which specifies annual inflation adjustments for tax year 2025. Some highlights: Gift, estate and generation-skipping transfer tax exemption amounts: $13.99 million (up from $13.61 million) Annual gift tax exclusion (IRC...

Boy, 12, Saves Father by Shooting to Stop Bear Attack

12-year-old boy saves father in Wisconsin bear attack by shooting the bear! Story here. Owen knew he had to do something to save his father’s life. “I saw him (the bear) knock him to the ground, and I just saw the black outline and shot over the dog’s back and hit the...

11-Year-Old Boy Confesses to Murder of Former Louisiana Mayor, Adult Daughter

This shocking story is a reminder that not all threats appear as Darth Vader: Police in Minden, Louisiana, revealed on Monday that an 11-year-old boy confessed to the murder of former Mayor Joe Cornelius Sr., age 82, and his 31-year-old daughter, Keisha Miles....

Democrats use 1865 Black Code to Disarm all Californians in 2024 (May v Bonta)

The CRPA on September 19, 2024, petitioned for en banc review of the Ninth Circuit panel’s decision regarding preliminary injunctive relief in May v Bonta (written by Judge Graber aka Grabber) oppressively curtailing the right to bear arms in California. En banc...

The Fatted Calf Trust

I’ve written several times lately on disinheritance and more benign alternatives to disinheritance. There is definitely a trend afoot toward greater disinheritance. I’ve noticed this trend in comments from colleagues on our estate planning attorney online...

Is your Trust a Parachute or merely a Safety Net?

There is a wonderful recent story about a Minnesota family that has baptized 27 babies over three generations with a baptismal gown made from the World War II parachute that saved grandpa’s life! I’m always coming up with analogies for trusts and often use...

Brother of Terri Schiavo Warns Against Weakened Catholic Teaching on Basic Care

The brother of Terri Schiavo, famous in the estate planning world for issues surrounding her diagnosis of Persistent Vegetative State (PVS), is warning of a possible weakening in Catholic teaching in favor of providing basic care for the incapacitated. The brother,...

Ahem… American Housing and Economic Mobility Act of 2024 (AHEMA)

The American Housing and Economic Mobility Act of 2024 (AHEMA) is a giant $5 trillion tax increase now before both houses of Congress which has the potential, if Democrats end up with enough control after elections this year, to radically change estate planning. These...

CBP Nabs 3 Palestinian Terror Suspects Crossing Border into California

Ominous report from San Diego: Border Patrol agents took three suspected Palestinian terrorists into custody earlier this month after they illegally crossed the border from Mexico into California, the New York Post reported. One of the men reportedly had a “salacious...

Musk Bolts CA After New Law Bans Notice to Parents When Public Schools Gender Change Kids

Elon Musk announced yesterday he is relocating headquarters for both SpaceX and Xitter from California to Texas, due to concerns over bad new laws and escalating crime in California. In particular, Musk cited concern over Governor Noisome’s signing of AB 1955, a...

US Supreme Court Rejects Use of Corporate Redemption Obligation as Estate Deduction

In a major unanimous decision (Connelly v US) sure to cause revision of many business succession plans, the US Supreme Court earlier this month on June 6, 2024, rejected use of a corporate redemption obligation as an estate deduction. While the Court pointed out in a...

Trump Voters (59%) Far More Likely Than Biden Voters (19%) to Prioritize Marriage and Children, Poll Finds

A new Pew poll finds that Trump voters are FAR more likely (59%) than Biden voters (19%) to say that society should prioritize marriage and having children. That the rate is higher among Trump voters should not surprise anyone. I’ve definitely noticed a...

How Does Concealed Carrying of Weapons Affect Violent Crime?

Although most research finds that concealed carry reduces violent crime, several recent studies claim to show that concealed carry increases violent crime. In a new study linked here, Professors Lott and Moody analyze three possible causes for the supposed increase,...

As Your Kids Consider Sterilization, Incentives Can Make a Vas Deferens

Increasingly, young adults are choosing permanent sterilization. Your estate plan can punish them for doing so. (Or reward them, whatever.) Not talking about transgender surgery. Big sterilization issue there obviously, but that was the subject of another recent post....

Suicide Risk Doubles with Transgender Surgery

California men who undergo transgender surgery (removing male genitals and replacing with something else) double their risk of suicide. How long will we continue to allow this demonic, macabre nonsense? Most children confused about what sex they are, grow out of that...