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Surprised that he wasn’t charged — deserves a “Mo” as he should have withdrawn (no mention of saving any occupants), and who knows where all those rounds landed:

The man came home around 12:45 p.m. and found two strange vehicles in his driveway. He then witnessed four men leaving his residence through the front door, according to the Columbus Police report. Brandon Rozier ColumbusAs the man pulled into his driveway, he loaded his .40 caliber pistol, police said.The man “got out of his vehicle and began shooting at the four individuals coming out of his house,” the report stated. The man told police he heard one of the suspects yell “S—!” as he opened fire.When asked by police why he started shooting, the homeowner said “he was afraid for his life,” according to the report, and said he’d fired about a dozen times.

Source: Homeowner walks in on burglary, shoots at four men leaving scene | Miami Herald