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Results: Among study patients (n = 104), 59% reported completing some form of ACP: living will 52%, heathcare power of attorney 54%, do not resuscitate 38%, and medical orders for scope of treatment or physician orders for life-sustaining treatment 6%. Whites were more likely to report having some form of ACP than minorities (66% vs. 37%, p < 0.01), as were patients aged ≥80 years than those aged 65–79 (79% vs. 44%, p < 0.01). Only 13% of all patients had either a current code status or any other current ACP documentation in the EHR. Among patients whose primary care provider uses the same EHR system as the study ED, only 19% had a current code status or any other ACP documentation in the EHR.Conclusion: In a sample of older ED patients likely to benefit from ACP, few patients had documented end-of-life care preferences in the EHR.

Source: Availability of Advance Care Planning Documentation for Older Emergency Department Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study | Abstract