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Turns out the Minnesota Mall hero was a fellow Front Sight student:

Having trained nearly a million students over the last 20 years, and knowing how well all our students who have faced lethal encounters have responded, I knew it was just a matter of time and circumstance before one of our graduates proved to the world, once again, that an armed and trained citizen is the best and most immediate defense to a deranged madman bent on death and destruction.

We have had numerous students use their skills to stop violent encounters. Sometimes they had no choice but to shoot to stop the immediate danger of death or serious bodily injury to themselves or those around them. Other times, simply presenting their weapon with command and confidence was enough to defuse the situation. I normally do not publicize these events.

In this case the mainstream media have already publicized it, but as usual, are not telling the whole truth.

Here is the whole truth: One of our own, Jason Falconer, a Distinguished Graduate in Front Sight’s Four Day Defensive Handgun course way back in 2009 happened to be in the right place at the right time on Saturday and did what millions of responsibly trained, concealed carry permit holders could have, and would have done: He ended a massacre in progress at a Minnesota shopping mall because he had a gun and was trained to use it! Jason shot a Somali-born Muslim terrorist dressed as a security guard as he stabbed nine innocent victims before Jason ended the attack with well-placed hits from his concealed handgun.

Good shooting Jason!

Of course, the anti-gun, liberal media does not want to promote that fact that mall security was present but unarmed, meaning there was nothing they could do.

Of course the anti-gun, liberal media doesn’t want to promote the fact that Jason is a gun enthusiast, recreational shooter, sportsman, competition shooter, concealed carry permit holder, and attends firearms training courses to improve and maintain his skills, or that he also trains other responsible citizens to carry concealed handguns for the safety of themselves and those around them. No, the media won’t mention it. They want to promote Jason as an “off-duty, part-time police officer” but we know the truth. Jason is one of us, A GUN OWNING, GUN CARRYING CITIZEN first and foremost, and as a Front Sight student, and gun enthusiast yourself, you should forward this to everyone you know and spread the message that a responsible citizen carrying a concealed weapon is the BEST DEFENSE against lethal violence, foreign or domestic!

Source: Ignatius Piazza, Front Sight Student Kills Somali Terrorist in Minnesota Mall

I am also one of the many Front Sight students that has had occasion to use a gun defensively. In my case (which also involved a crazy Muslim guy), thanks to Front Sight training I was able to defuse the situation without firing a shot, back in 2009 (same year Mr Falconer took his course at Front Sight).

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David R. Duringer, JD, LL.M, is a concealed firearm instructor and tax lawyer specializing in business and estate planning; licensed to practice law in the states of California and Washington. He is managing shareholder at Protective Law Corporation, serving Southern California from its Laguna Hills (Orange County) headquarters and satellite offices in San Diego County (Coronado and Carlsbad).

© Protective Law Corporation as per date of publication captioned above. All rights reserved unless otherwise noted. Sharing encouraged with attribution and/or link to this page.

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