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Fire at will:

In early America, there were no professional police. Volunteer constables would issue hue and cry for help from local militia if needed.

Now we have a police state in California that pretends to be a constitutional republic but makes it very difficult for a citizen to aid police — unlike Arizona, which recently saw an armed citizen come to the rescue of one of its officers.

According to WFMYNews2, threats have been received against individual Police Officers as well as the department. In the past several months, two Danville Police vehicles have been struck by gunfire.  Another vehicle was shot at but was not hit.  These incidents happened while the Officers were on routine patrol and were made by suspects who were in hiding, and never captured.

Gang members have also been openly wearing shirts that say ‘DPDK’ on them, which means Danville Police Department Killers. The phrase ‘aint for nun’ is also on the shirts and police said that the phrase is a “term for someone not afraid to stand up to anyone regardless of status or size.”

Source: Gangs Declare War On Police, Threaten To Ambush And Kill Danville Police Officers – Blue Lives Matter