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Apparently, nude vacation travel is a thing, at least among progs:

It turns out, the “nacation” industry is pretty substantial. For example, a Florida-focused economic study conducted in 2017 by the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) and American Association for Nude Travel Florida Region learned that 4.3 billion was directly spent on nude travel in the state (which has over 30 nudist resorts) in 2016. Florida obviously isn’t alone. Even traditional companies, such as Carnival, are now catering to the nacation trend.

Clearly, more people are taking these sorts of trips than what you’d assume. The question is why?

Source: Why travel’s latest trend — the ‘nacation’ — is gaining momentum

If you are a prog family and want to transmit prog family values, we are happy to assist.

We can start with trust provisions incentivizing nude family vacations. That should be easy, according to the aforementioned article.

We can also add provisions to indoctrinate your family on the dangers of global warming, and the reality of 63 genders!

Or if you want your family to thrive for generations, you may want to stick with transmitting more traditional values such as those addressed by our F.I.R.S.T. Family Trust.

Whatever is important to YOUR family!
