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There it is in black and white, ladies and gentlemen. When Cossman says that “we” need to fundamentally re-imagine the relationship between sex and gender, she means you, too. You are required to believe that men can breastfeed. You are required to grit your teeth and smile when you are told that a person with a penis can change in the same bathroom as your young daughter. You must shake your head sorrowfully when you are informed that “transphobia” is running rampant because so many guys don’t want to date “girls” with male genitalia. You must be fervently in favor of giving hormone blockers and perhaps even genital mutilation to children, who in the world of trans activists are not old enough to vote or buy beer but are old enough to make a decision that will irreversibly transform their identity.

Trans activists are constructing the legal framework for a brave new world. The media and most of the politicians have already fallen obediently into line. Be prepared to have insanity foisted on you with a ferocity only those who desperately need the approval of others can muster.

Source: I’ve seen the future that transgender activists are fighting for… and it’s terrifying | Blogs | Lifesitenews