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Contact your state Assembly Member IMMEDIATELY

Today, Thursday, May 19, anti-gun Senators continued the assault on your rights, voting through ten anti-gun bills and moving one step closer to the Governor’s desk. The ongoing feud between anti-gun senators and Lt Governor Gavin Newsom puts gun owners in jeopardy bearing the consequences of this political gamesmanship.

These bills will now be sent to the state Assembly for further consideration. For the gut and amend bills, reported on HERE, they are only a concurrence vote away from gun owner’s fate resting at the discretion of Governor Brown. For the remaining bills, this still means a committee process and consideration by the full Assembly. The Assembly may follow the lead of the Senate and act quickly on the measures.  You MUST contact your state Assembly Member NOW and urge him or her to OPPOSE SB 1235, AB 156, SB 1407, AB 857, SB 880, AB 1135, AB 1511, SB 894, SB 1446, and SB 1006.   Contact information can be found here or by clicking on the TAKE ACTION button below.

It is extremely important that you pass this alert to your family, friends, fellow gun owners and sportsmen asking them to contact their Assembly Member urging opposition. For further information please click here to read how these bills will affect you and fellow gun owners.

If you are not registered to vote, now is the time to do so!  Click here to register to vote, so you can support candidates who believe in your right to keep and bear arms.

Source: NRA-ILA | California: Anti-Gun Legislators Steamroll Through the Senate