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BROOKLYN PARK, Minn. – Brooklyn Park Police say it appears a man who was fatally shot Monday night was attempting to rob someone who was legally carrying a gun.

Source: Suspect fatally shot during robbery |



Another life may have been saved if this man had been carrying openly. For concealed carry to work as well at deterrence, you must (1) share this post and (2) have the right social connections.

BROOKLYN PARK, Minn. – Brooklyn Park Police say it appears a man who was fatally shot Monday night was attempting to rob someone who was legally carrying a gun.

Assistant Chief Mark Bruley says the preliminary investigation into the fatal shooting indicates that the man who was killed on the 7500 block of Imperial Drive targeted an individual who had a valid permit to carry a handgun as his victim. Witnesses say there was an exchange of gunfire, and the alleged robber was killed.


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If attacked, do you want to be Victor or Victim?
SacredHonor.US, we hate it when people die embarrassed.
And at
Protect.FM, we believe good estate plans protect families.
We make it easy for your family to attain the comfort of skill at arms.

David R. Duringer, JD, LL.M, is a concealed firearm instructor and tax lawyer specializing in business and estate planning. He is managing shareholder at Protective Law Corporation, serving Southern California from its Laguna Hills (Orange County) headquarters and a satellite office in Coronado (San Diego County).

© Protective Law Corporation as per date of publication captioned above. All rights reserved unless otherwise noted. Sharing encouraged with attribution and/or link to this page.


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