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The future is NOW here at LawNews.TV — much of what the article talks about, we have already implemented. We meet with clients all over the state via Skype; we provide all levels of assistance to clients, alone and in collaboration with other professionals; we are highly accessible around the clock and on weekends; we provide 24/7 access to online training and files in progress. And since our entire LawNews.TV site is responsively designed for mobile optimization, there is no need for a “native app” cluttering your phone.

  1. We will only be in collaborative relationships with our clients. We’re not the ones with all the answers anymore. The future advisor will provide a client experience that empowers and guides the client rather than prescribes the solution. That will mean better, more engaging tools, with simpler, more transparent and understandable usage. We’ll shift to being financial life guides, which is much more than answering conventional planning or investment questions.
  2. We will not be geographically tethered. Today, many advisors’ biggest competitive advantage is their proximity to clients. However, the world is changing; time is the scarcest resource, which is why many clients prefer to meet over video rather than in person for the vast majority of their meetings. That will force all of us to rethink our systems, the people that work with us and how we engage with clients.
  3. We will no longer have office hours. Imagine your clients asking any financial questions they have whenever they have them and being able to get a response 24/7. That’s what they are accustomed to in every aspect of their life. We will be no different. Office hours will no longer be a constraining factor to your clients expecting an answer.

Source: The 2020 Client Experience

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