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Somehow we’ve been able to raise our daughter for 15 years without ever hiring a babysitter. If you must, then be sure to get references and arm your children:

A burka-clad babysitter decapitated the little girl in her care before walking through Moscow carrying the child’s severed head, police say.The woman shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ as she appeared near Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station in the northwest of the Russian capital and threatened to blow herself up.It came hours after officers found the headless body of a child when they were called to a fire at a block of flats in the city.

Source: Video shows woman carrying severed head in Moscow and shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’ | Daily Mail Online

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If attacked, do you want to be Victor or Victim?
SacredHonor.US, we hate it when people die embarrassed.
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Protect.FM, we believe good estate plans protect families.
We make it easy for your family to attain the comfort of skill at arms.

David R. Duringer, JD, LL.M, is a concealed firearm instructor and tax lawyer specializing in business and estate planning. He is managing shareholder at Protective Law Corporation, serving Southern California from its Laguna Hills (Orange County) headquarters and a satellite office in Coronado (San Diego County).

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