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Who believes anything the financial press says anymore? They have no credibility. Title says forecasts are “doomed” yet the article says strategists are hedging. Well, which is it? It’s funny to watch the money world squirm as it comes to terms with its extreme liberal bias.

Strategists are thus doing their best to hedge their calls, with JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s equity outlook saying, “Due to uncertainties, these impacts [Trump’s campaign promises] are not incorporated into our base case earnings forecast until there is more clarity around which policies will be emphasized and/or are politically feasible.”But given the market’s forward looking nature, that uncertainty hasn’t stopped a number of banks from at least trying to calculate what a Trump administration will do to their respective areas of coverage. Here are a few highlights.

Source: Wall Street 2017 Forecasts Are Doomed If Trump Doesn’t Follow Through

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