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According to WealthCounsel’s recent inaugural Estate Planning Awareness Survey, a shocking 47% think that estate planning is mainly for the wealthy:

Orange County Estate Planning Attorney WealthCounsel MemberBased on the survey results, it’s fair to say that Americans are confused about
estate planning: Three-quarters of respondents (74%), in fact, answer affirmatively when asked whether estate planning is a confusing topic.
Some of this relates to the erroneous belief, shared by half of respondents, that estate planning is only for the wealthiest people. Forty-seven percent think that estate planning is primarily for those who are most prosperous, while 49% say their assets aren’t worth enough for them to even consider having an estate plan. And only 3% mention the word “trust” — a fundamental planning tool for all that, typically, is associated with the wealthy — when asked what estate planning means.
As a result of these misconceptions, 61% say that a will is enough to meet their
estate-related needs.

Actually, the LESS money you have, the MORE important is Asset Protection.

And you cannot really put a price on Family Protection, can you?

To learn more about what comprehensive estate planning can do for your family, take our free online course, or attend the free seminar at our office, or if ready now schedule a free, no cost, no obligation, two-hour design meeting.