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My classmate Kamala Harris claimed back in 2007 as San Francisco District Attorney that the police are able to randomly search homes to check for compliance with San Francisco’s gun storage law.

That law served as a model for similar laws later passed by many California cities, including Morro Bay (which prompted me to run for city council in Morro Bay). These laws are clearly unconstitutional under the Bruen standard set out by SCOTUS.

(Many Californians, including many politicians, mistakenly think there is a state law mandating storage. Actually, the state penal code merely creates certain penalties if a gun is misused in certain situations because it was stored improperly. Importantly, state law exempts parents from liability where a child uses a gun in self-defense. As always, except for very young children or other special situations, my recommendation is generally to gun-proof the child rather than to try to child-proof the gun. Here is a list of examples where children successfully used guns to defend themselves and family members.)

Aside from being clueless on Second Amendment issues, my classmate was apparently snoozing in ConLaw when the Fourth Amendment was discussed. That might be why she apparently failed to pass the bar exam on her first try.