
Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds Dynastic Deaths Give Offspring Legacies and Millions to Inherit Overnight

  Luck all around, despite the bad planning. Carrie had formal next of kin, daughter Billie Lourd, who inherits the house, the money and presumably the French bulldog even if the outspoken and occasionally erratic actress forgot to leave a valid will behind....

Six Things Family-Owned Firms Should Know About Succession Planning

  Among the chief goals of succession planning is providing continuity of management and minimizing the tax costs of transferring property interests to new generations.Source: Six Things Family-Owned Firms Should Know About Succession Planning

Twelve “Star Wars” Lessons For Becoming A Financial Planning Jedi

  A truly nerdy advisor with too much time on his hands put this together. Why nothing on Star Trek TOS? In preparation for “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” here are 15 lessons from the film series to help you be a financial planning Jedi. Source:...

World’s oldest man Mbah Goto celebrates what he claims to be his 146th birthday

  He has outlived all 10 of his siblings as well as his four wives, the last of whom died in 1988. All of his children have also died, and now he is survived by his grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren. Source: World’s oldest...

#AssetProtection: IRS Issues New Rev Proc 2016-49 Supporting Use of Clayton Election

Good news! The IRS just issued, moments ago, a new Revenue Procedure 2016-49, modifying Rev Proc 2001-48, removing a possible grey area in the use of the so-called Clayton election for flexible and comprehensive post-mortem (i.e., portability and reverse QTIP) tax...

#AssetProtection: Five Tips for Talking About Money With Adult Children

As parents, our clients want the best for their children, perhaps especially when those children become adults. Learning good financial habits can be central to a successful and independent adulthood. Yet, most young adults feel they’re thrown into the world without...

IRS Clarifies That Indirect Owners Of Disregarded Entities Are Liable For Self-Employment Tax

The IRS recently released temporary regulations clarifying that an employee of a disregarded entity is liable for self-employment tax if the employee is a partner in the partnership that owns the disregarded entity. See Treasury Decision 9766 (May 4, 2016). Source:...