
How to Dissolve a Partnership on Good Terms

Many business partnerships eventually come to an end. Like other types of relationships, when business partners decide to split up, the process can be amicable or contentious. For personal and professional reasons, dissolving the partnership on good terms is in the...

What Happens to Your Business When You Die

You spend a significant part of your life building your business, and it becomes a major part of your legacy. But when you die, everything you have built could fall apart if you have not taken the time to create a business succession plan. Without a plan in place,...

Common Pitfalls in Family-Owned Businesses

Your family and your business are two of your top priorities. You would not do anything to compromise either of them. But working with family members in a family-owned business presents unique challenges that can cause lasting damage to both if not properly managed....

How to Handle Conflicts in Family-Owned Businesses

Conflicts are inevitable within businesses and families. Personal rivalries, differences of opinion, competition for resources, and questions of prestige can set individuals at odds and lead to warring factions with competing loyalties. Resolving conflicts in both...

How to Protect Your Business from Lawsuits

Small business owners are no strangers to risk management. Owning and operating a small business entails a certain level of unpredictability. Despite your best efforts to stay on top of supply chains, marketing, sales, competitors, employees, and cash flow, unexpected...

Business Trusts 101: What Entrepreneurs Should Know about Using a Business Trust

Trusts are usually associated with estate planning, but trusts can also apply to business operations. As a small business owner, you can hold the business in a trust instead of using a business entity such as a limited liability company (LLC) or corporation. Business...

California Just Made This Picture of My Daughter Illegal (AB 2571)

California just enacted AB 2571 to restrict the ability of gun owners to transmit gun culture to their kids. This blatantly unconstitutional act bans advertising that may attract minors to firearms and the penalties for violation are huge, up to $25,000 per...