by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 9, 2017 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning
Try to guess the best inflation hedge of this century.Thinking of stocks? Bonds? Gold? Nope. You should be thinking of real estate, specifically real estate investment trusts (REITs). REITs, as a class, have produced positive real returns in 14 of the past 16...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 8, 2017 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Health Planning, Retirement Planning
Advisors can steer clients towards the technology that will help them in old age. Here are the top five ways. Source: Five Ways Technology Will Change How Your Clients Age
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 2, 2017 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning, Tax Planning
Hopefully your working clients are maxing out opportunities to save all they can into 401(k)s, IRAs and Roth IRAs. Those who still have money left over should consider purchasing Series EE savings bonds with any extra funds. In the short term, they will get...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 2, 2017 | Asset Protection, Charity, Estate Planning, Family Protection, Retirement Planning, Spendthrift Children, Tax Planning
While it’s important that charities and their staff understand how to match various tools, such as charitable remainder trusts (CRTs), charitable lead trusts (CLTs), charitable gift annuities and other gift plans with the needs of their donors, which may...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 2, 2017 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship, Retirement Planning
“From triple X leveraged products to Vanguard, Millennials have shown they favor the extremes in terms of their growing ETF usage,” said Bloomberg Intelligence ETF Analyst Eric Balchunas. “However, when it comes to calling the Trump rally,...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 2, 2017 | Archived, Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning
Caveat emptor: “That’s where the big money is,” said Barbara Roper, director of investor protection for the Consumer Federation of America in Washington, D.C. “And right now there’s a lot of incentive to encourage people to roll over even when they’d be...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 2, 2017 | Archived, Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning
Who believes anything the financial press says anymore? They have no credibility. Title says forecasts are “doomed” yet the article says strategists are hedging. Well, which is it? It’s funny to watch the money world squirm as it comes to...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 2, 2017 | Asset Protection, Creditors & Predators, Estate Planning, Health Planning, Probate Admin, Retirement Planning, Spendthrift Children, Trust Admin
He has outlived all 10 of his siblings as well as his four wives, the last of whom died in 1988. All of his children have also died, and now he is survived by his grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren. Source: World’s oldest...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Dec 28, 2016 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning
Just under 400,000 American retirees are now living abroad, according to the Social Security Administration. The countries they have chosen most often: Canada, Japan, Mexico, Germany and the United Kingdom.Retirees most often cite the cost of living as the...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Dec 15, 2016 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Income Tax, Retirement Planning
A charitable gift annuity can provide a surrogate for fixed income during retirement in an environment of low interest rates that may linger for decades. Source: Charitable Gift Annuities May Answer the Fixed Income Question
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Oct 20, 2016 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Retirement Planning
The financial price of divorce is bigger than legal fees and court costs. It also means splitting your assets in two while many costs suddenly double: two homes to maintain, two rents, two electricity bills, and so forth. When women with children divorce, they often...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Sep 16, 2016 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning
On this site we often highlight celebrity deaths, elder battles and estates, and invariably, their planning is a mess. We derive some schadenfreude at their expense and hold them up as examples of the value we can provide to our clients: “Even someone who has...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Sep 4, 2016 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning The 2016 campaign is shaping into one of the most divisive elections in history, and a new study finds that one party has an advantage when it comes to planning for the future. According to Personal Capital’s 2016 Election Survey,...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Aug 31, 2016 | Asset Protection, Creditors & Predators, Estate Planning, Income Tax, Retirement Planning, Tax Planning
If attacked, do you want to be Victor or Victim? At SacredHonor.US, we hate it when people die embarrassed. And at Protect.FM, we believe good estate plans protect families. We make it easy for your family to attain the comfort of skill at arms. David R. Duringer, JD,...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Aug 28, 2016 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning
By linking the updating of an estate plan to certain inevitable life milestones (both positive and negative), advisors can ensure that their clients recognize the importance of keeping things up to date Source: Ten Milestones When Your Clients Should Revisit Their...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Aug 24, 2016 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Income Tax, Retirement Planning, Tax Planning
Self-Employment Income The Clintons earned $10,168,272 of self-employment income in 2015 from book royalties, speaking engagements and consulting, resulting in the payment of $301,698 in self-employment tax. As self-employed taxpayers, the Clintons pay both the...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Aug 2, 2016 | Retirement Planning
A longer average lifespan has many benefits, but it also means that Americans need more financial support as they age. In 1990, a 65-year-old man would live an average of 15 more years. Today, a 65 year-old man will live an average of 21 more years. If not planned...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Aug 1, 2016 | Retirement Planning
One of the great economic challenges facing both policy makers and individuals is figuring out how to plan and pay for retirement. The challenge is that nobody knows, least of all people themselves, how long they’re going to live. Source: Americans Are Bad at Guessing...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jun 28, 2016 | Charity, Estate Planning, Financial Mentorship, Retirement Planning
And as younger collectors focus more on this asset class, their advisors need also to broaden their knowledge of the rules unique to this area and to their clients’ increased activity. Source: Six Characteristics of NextGen Art Collectors If attacked, do you want to...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jun 23, 2016 | Asset Protection, Creditors & Predators, Estate Planning, Retirement Planning, Tax Planning
The beneficiary designations on financial accounts are crucial decisions that will impact the success of a financial or estate plan. Here are 10 common mistakes that advisors should discuss with their clients. Source: Photo Gallery: Top 10 Beneficiary Designation...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jun 20, 2016 | Retirement Planning
The individual retirement account market, which now accounts for over $7 trillion in assets, is undergoing some significant changes. There are now a number of IRA custodians that permit investments in private placements, real estate and other non-publicly traded...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jun 16, 2016 | Career Maintenance, Career Preparation, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Health Planning, Retirement Planning
Women who put in long hours in their careers greatly increase their risk of developing life-threatening illnesses, including heart disease and cancer, a new study has shown. Source: Working long hours harms women but protects men, study shows If attacked, do you want...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jun 11, 2016 | Estate Planning, Family Protection, Firearm Legacy, Health Planning, Retirement Planning
Good article, points out some real problems: “Shooting is about his only interest in life,” said JoAnne Schnepp, who has avoided broaching the topic with her husband, though she knows his physical and mental abilities are likely to decline. “Then I will have to look...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jun 6, 2016 | News & Commentary, Retirement Planning
The lawsuit argues that the DOL rule uses an overly broad definition of “fiduciary,” one that is very different from that used in securities laws. It also contends that the agency has no regulatory or enforcement authority over Individual Retirement Accounts; that...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jun 6, 2016 | Asset Protection, Retirement Planning
Let’s start by focusing on the income of the top 1 percent of Americans, compared to that of the top 10 percent. As of 2014, a household needed an annual income of at least $423,090 to be in the first group, about 3.5 times the threshold for the second group,...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jun 5, 2016 | Asset Protection, Retirement Planning
Which living artists sell for top prices at auction? Based on five years’ worth of auction sales from the artnet Auction Price Database, we bring you these exclusive lists, which includes updated data from the same roundup last year. Two sets of data are...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 31, 2016 | Retirement Planning, Tax Planning, Venture Protection
What Is a Tax Inversion? A tax inversion involves a corporate deal between a U.S. corporation and a foreign corporation. For this purpose, the foreign corporation purchases the U.S. corporation. These deals sometimes involve a purchase of the U.S. corporation’s stock...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 31, 2016 | Retirement Planning
The uber wealthy aren’t better investors than the merely affluent, and many make the exact same mistakes as those with far lower net worth. According to a new survey from the deVere Group of 652 high-net-worth clients worldwide, more than a quarter of them (27...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 31, 2016 | Retirement Planning
Means testing to attain Social Security benefits may be on the docket for the future.Those of us who counsel clients on Social Security understand firsthand the long-term effect of Congress’ recent elimination of the File and Suspend and Restricted Application claim...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 24, 2016 | Retirement Planning
From vision and hearing impairments to muscle loss, the Genworth R70i Aging Experience allows people to step into a future version of themselves to experience the physical effects of aging. Take a tour of the suit to learn more about its features. If attacked, do you...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 6, 2016 | Dying Embarrassed, Health Planning, Horror Stories, Retirement Planning
“The heating/cooling system in this senior citizen complex is recklessly configured putting this low income, senior citizen population at great risk. In order to cut corners on cost, the owner and management company are responsible for the death of Neal...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Apr 30, 2016 | News & Commentary, Retirement Planning
If attacked, do you want to be Victor or Victim? At SacredHonor.US, we hate it when people die embarrassed. And at Protect.FM, we believe good estate plans protect families. We make it easy for your family to attain the comfort of skill at arms. David R. Duringer, JD,...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Apr 21, 2016 | Retirement Planning
The number of centenarians will grow from about 451,000 in 2015 to about 3,676,000 in 2050, according to a report released Thursday by the Washington D.C.-based think tank Pew Research Center. This means that while last year there were just 7.4 centenarians per every...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Apr 15, 2016 | Archived, Retirement Planning
The Department of Labor’s final fiduciary rule, released Wednesday, differed enough from the proposed version that the DOL felt compelled to publish a lengthy chart detailing where the two diverged. Source: Did the DOL Gut the Fiduciary Rule, or Save It? If attacked,...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Apr 7, 2016 | Archived, Retirement Planning
Fact Sheet Department of Labor Finalizes Rule to Address Conflicts of Interest in Retirement Advice, Saving Middle-Class Families Billions of Dollars Every Year U.S. Department of Labor Employee Benefits Security Administration I. Summary Since 1974, when Congress...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Feb 10, 2016 | Asset Protection, Creditors & Predators, Retirement Planning
There are several states, notably California, that have become increasingly aggressive in pursuing traditional IRA assets in liability cases. Accordingly, investors should seek to keep as much as possible in segregated ERISA-sponsored retirement investments, as they...