by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Dec 4, 2024 | Asset Protection, Blended Families, Blog, Bloodline Protection, Business Succession, Buying or Selling a Closely Held Business, Career Maintenance, Career Preparation, Charity, Creditors & Predators, Defensive Gun Use, Entity Formation, Estate Admin, Estate Planning, Estate Tax, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship, Firearm Legacy, Firearm Training, Fortune, Gift Tax, GST Tax, GunLaw.Pro, Health Planning, Honor, Incapacity Planning, Income Tax, Life, Limitation of Liability, News & Commentary, Operation & Governance, Pet Protection, Probate Admin, Property Tax, Punishment, Regulatory Compliance, Religious Faith, Retirement Planning, Spendthrift Children, Tax Planning, Trust Admin, Venture Protection,
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Oct 31, 2024 | Blog, Career Preparation, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Firearm Legacy, Honor, Life, News & Commentary, Religious Faith
You may have seen my posts or heard my radio commercials on the idea of #DisinheritWoke. Like leaving a legacy of firearm training, i think it’s much more important than trying to succeed in politics or the courts. Is it any wonder why so many of my estate...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Oct 20, 2024 | Asset Protection, Blog, Bloodline Protection, Creditors & Predators, Dying Embarrassed, Estate Admin, Estate Planning, Estate Tax, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Firearm Legacy, Firearm Training, Fortune, Gift Tax, GST Tax, GunLaw.Pro, Honor, Income Tax, Life, Spendthrift Children, Tax Planning, Trust Admin
At the beginning of this year, the California Uniform Directed Trust Act (CUDTA) went into effect, codified in Probate Code §§ 16600-16632. It was a long time coming, having been first proposed back in 2010 by our state bar’s trust and estate section. When it...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Oct 17, 2024 | Asset Protection, Blog, Bloodline Protection, Business Succession, Buying or Selling a Closely Held Business, Creditors & Predators, Entity Formation, Estate Planning, Estate Tax, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Firearm Legacy, Firearm Training, Fortune, Gift Tax, GST Tax, GunLaw.Pro, Honor, Income Tax, Life, Limitation of Liability, Operation & Governance, Regulatory Compliance, Spendthrift Children, Tax Planning, Trust Admin, Venture Protection
Six years ago I posted this article proposing use of an advanced planning technique known as the Health and Education Exclusion Trust (HEET) to leave a dynastic legacy of firearm training. Such a trust might be called a Gun HEET. The Fall of the Republic and...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Oct 10, 2024 | Asset Protection, Blended Families, Blog, Bloodline Protection, Business Succession, Buying or Selling a Closely Held Business, Career Maintenance, Career Preparation, Charity, Creditors & Predators, Entity Formation, Estate Admin, Estate Planning, Estate Tax, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship, Firearm Legacy, Firearm Training, Fortune, Gift Tax, GST Tax, GunLaw.Pro, Health Planning, Honor, Incapacity Planning, Income Tax, Life, Limitation of Liability, Operation & Governance, Pet Protection, Property Tax, Punishment, Regulatory Compliance, Religious Faith, Retirement Planning, Spendthrift Children, Tax Planning, Trust Admin, Venture Protection
[Central Coast residents: You can safely ignore this article because we are here to help you with comprehensive planning.] Most of our local clients prefer to have the first meeting in person at our office in Morro Bay. After that initial meeting, many of these local...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Sep 1, 2024 | Asset Protection, Blog, Bloodline Protection, Creditors & Predators, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship, Fortune, Honor, Life, News & Commentary, Punishment, Religious Faith, Spendthrift Children
I’ve written several times lately on disinheritance and more benign alternatives to disinheritance. There is definitely a trend afoot toward greater disinheritance. I’ve noticed this trend in comments from colleagues on our estate planning attorney online...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Sep 1, 2024 | Asset Protection, Blog, Career Maintenance, Career Preparation, Creditors & Predators, Estate Admin, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship, Fortune, Honor, Life, News & Commentary, Spendthrift Children, Tax Planning, Trust Admin
There is a wonderful recent story about a Minnesota family that has baptized 27 babies over three generations with a baptismal gown made from the World War II parachute that saved grandpa’s life! I’m always coming up with analogies for trusts and often use...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jul 31, 2024 | Blog, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Firearm Legacy, Firearm Training, Honor, Life, News & Commentary
Kamala Harris, in a recent speech to the American Federation of Teachers, mocked as “extremists” those who would arm teachers for classroom defense: “While you try to create safe and welcoming places where our children can learn, extremists attack our...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jul 31, 2024 | Blog, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Honor, Life, News & Commentary, Punishment, Religious Faith
Elon Musk blames the “woke mind virus” for robbing him of his son whom he considers basically dead at this point because of the transgender cult. Call it cultural marxism, woke, whatever, I have definitely seen a trend among colleagues on estate planning...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jul 31, 2024 | Blog, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Honor, Life, News & Commentary
UPDATE: To quell out-of-control rumors and riots resulting from the information vacuum, British judge has released information about the suspect in custody even though he is a minor, a few days short of his 18th birthday. Turns out the suspect is a migrant from...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jul 17, 2024 | Blog, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Honor, News & Commentary, Religious Faith
Elon Musk announced yesterday he is relocating headquarters for both SpaceX and Xitter from California to Texas, due to concerns over bad new laws and escalating crime in California. In particular, Musk cited concern over Governor Noisome’s signing of AB 1955, a...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jun 19, 2024 | Asset Protection, Blended Families, Blog, Bloodline Protection, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Fortune, Honor, Life, News & Commentary, Religious Faith
A new Pew poll finds that Trump voters are FAR more likely (59%) than Biden voters (19%) to say that society should prioritize marriage and having children. That the rate is higher among Trump voters should not surprise anyone. I’ve definitely noticed a...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 6, 2024 | Blog, Estate Admin, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Firearm Legacy, Firearm Training, GunLaw.Pro, Honor, Life, Probate Admin, Religious Faith, Trust Admin
Here is a quick overview of seven major types of gun trusts: Trust Mill NFA Trust: This is a “simple” (sometimes shockingly simple) “cookie-cutter” type boilerplate trust designed for purchase of firearms and/or suppressors regulated under the...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 5, 2024 | Blog, Bloodline Protection, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Health Planning, Honor, Life, News & Commentary, Religious Faith
Increasingly, young adults are choosing permanent sterilization. Your estate plan can punish them for doing so. (Or reward them, whatever.) Not talking about transgender surgery. Big sterilization issue there obviously, but that was the subject of another recent post....
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 4, 2024 | Blog, Bloodline Protection, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Health Planning, Honor, Life, News & Commentary, Punishment, Religious Faith
California men who undergo transgender surgery (removing male genitals and replacing with something else) double their risk of suicide. How long will we continue to allow this demonic, macabre nonsense? Most children confused about what sex they are, grow out of that...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Feb 28, 2024 | Blog, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Firearm Legacy, Firearm Training, GunLaw.Pro, Honor, Life
Last week the Ninth Circuit denied en banc hearing in Junior Sports Magazines, Inc. v. Bonta, saving youth gun training from destruction by a leftist attack on gun culture. While there has not yet been a decision on the merits of the case, denial of en banc let stand...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Feb 3, 2024 | Blog, Defensive Gun Use, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Firearm Legacy, Firearm Training, GunLaw.Pro, Life
[UPDATE: For some reason, this post still gets a ton of traffic. For an update on the federal preliminary injunction against SB2, you might want to click here.] Does California State Parks allow licensed concealed carry (CCW) of a firearm at state parks and beaches?...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Mar 25, 2023 | Blog, Defensive Gun Use, Estate Admin, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship, Firearm Legacy, Firearm Training, Fortune, GunLaw.Pro, Honor, Incapacity Planning, Life, News & Commentary, Probate Admin, Religious Faith, Trust Admin,
Presentation by Attorney Dave Duringer clears up confusion over California Gun Trust Planning. What is a Gun Trust? Is a Gun Trust Effective? Is a Gun Trust Necessary? Is a Gun Trust Recommended? YES! Every California gun owner should have one! A regular trust might...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Aug 10, 2022 | Blog, Business Succession, Buying or Selling a Closely Held Business, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Fortune, Operation & Governance, Venture Protection
Conflicts are inevitable within businesses and families. Personal rivalries, differences of opinion, competition for resources, and questions of prestige can set individuals at odds and lead to warring factions with competing loyalties. Resolving conflicts in both...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Aug 8, 2022 | Asset Protection, Blog, Business Succession, Buying or Selling a Closely Held Business, Creditors & Predators, Entity Formation, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Financial Mentorship, Fortune, Limitation of Liability, Operation & Governance, Regulatory Compliance, Tax Planning, Venture Protection
Trusts are usually associated with estate planning, but trusts can also apply to business operations. As a small business owner, you can hold the business in a trust instead of using a business entity such as a limited liability company (LLC) or corporation. Business...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jun 28, 2022 | Asset Protection, Blog, Bloodline Protection, Business Succession, Buying or Selling a Closely Held Business, Career Preparation, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship, Fortune, Honor, Incapacity Planning, Operation & Governance, Venture Protection
Benjamin Franklin famously quipped, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” From the very beginning, you had a plan for your business to succeed. You set goals and developed methods to achieve those goals. Your business has stood the test of time because you...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 26, 2022 | Asset Protection, Blog, Bloodline Protection, Career Maintenance, Career Preparation, Creditors & Predators, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship, Fortune, Honor, Life, Religious Faith, Spendthrift Children
I stole the title of this post from a great Babylon Bee article that just came out. For those who don’t know, Babylon Bee is satire. Strangely, their satirical articles often do come true. And this particular title hews closely enough to family settings often...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Feb 2, 2022 | Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Life
Only a few months after enacting harmful gun control putting families at risk, Morro Bay City Council on January 25th passed a resolution supporting abortion rights. You might think the Council had better things to do, like maybe avoiding fines of $10,000 or...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Dec 31, 2019 | Business Succession, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Religious Faith
The reason for the season. "Today in the town of David a savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord." – Luke 2:11— Official Hobby Lobby (@HobbyLobby) December 25, 2019 Do you have a...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Oct 18, 2019 | Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Firearm Legacy, Religious Faith
Excerpts: Christianity elevated matrimony to a sacrament, affirming its indissolubility. When the Roman Empire collapsed the only reality which endured to form the basis of a new society was the family. The birth of the Middle Ages coincided with the...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jul 15, 2019 | Estate Admin, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Firearm Legacy, Firearm Training, GunLaw.Pro, Incapacity Planning
UPDATE: See link below this article for updated analysis. *** When Governor Newsom approved AB 1292 on July 12, he made estate planning easier for California gun owners. Why would Sacramento Democrats make death easier for us? I can only speculate, but I’m guessing...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Nov 3, 2018 | Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection
Highly recommend this book by Jordan Peterson. You have to read the book to really understand his 12 rules, listed below. While it goes off on a few philosophical tangents I’m not sure I agree with, the book is a treasure chest of ideas you might include in...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Nov 1, 2018 | Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Health Planning, News & Commentary
Sounds like a good idea, possibly for inclusion in incentive trust planning: “I want to make a promise to myself and to God that I will stay pure until I get married. “I don’t have to have sex to know that I am loved.” The Purity Movement preaches...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Oct 24, 2018 | Blended Families, Dying Embarrassed, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Health Planning, Horror Stories, News & Commentary
There are lots of ways to die embarrassed. Bad estate planning is one example; see the category above for others. Nothing can top being trampled for eternity while listening to bad puns! Seriously, have you given thought to the ultimate disposition of your remains? Do...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 16, 2018 | Archived, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Firearm Legacy, Punishment, Religious Faith
The second item in our Bill of Rights is actually a very Catholic Second Amendment. This may surprise, since although the Catholic Church has a reputation for defending a number of aspects of Family Power, our bishops are not exactly known as big gun rights...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jan 14, 2018 | Archived, Career Maintenance, Career Preparation, Charity, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship, Firearm Legacy, Pet Protection, Punishment, Religious Faith
The term “family protection” is used in many different contexts. For example, in insurance planning it often refers to the concept of “income replacement” for a family bereft of its primary breadwinner. What should “family...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Nov 24, 2017 | Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Religious Faith
The abortion rate in the US has plummeted to an historic low: In 2014, there were 12.1 abortions per 1,000 women of childbearing age – down from 19.4 in 2008. On the other hand, in England women are having fewer children than ever: The same generation also had...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jul 23, 2017 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection
Fewer young men in the US want to get married than ever, while the desire for marriage is rising among young women, according to the Pew Research Center. Pew recently found that the number of women 18-34 saying that having a successful marriage is one of the most...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jul 22, 2017 | Career Maintenance, Career Preparation, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship
The starting point for dealing with wealth disparity is having a common understanding of what family means for this generation and developing a shared vision for how to be a family in the future. This shared vision, based on the identification of shared values...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Jun 7, 2017 | Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Religious Faith
Mastering Life Ministries’ 850 videos were recently all barred from Vimeo. Many of the videos addressed healing from childhood sexual abuse, sex trafficking, and pornography addiction. Source: Former transgenders share sex change regret stories in new...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 27, 2017 | Family Maintenance, Family Protection
“The family therefore holds directly from the Creator the mission and hence the right to educate the offspring, a right inalienable because inseparably joined to the strict obligation, a right anterior to any right whatever of civil society and of the State,...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 26, 2017 | Family Maintenance, Family Protection
This content is for members only
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 15, 2017 | Career Maintenance, Career Preparation, Charity, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship, Firearm Legacy, Firearm Training, Punishment, Religious Faith
Some families construct a legacy of memories and real estate, say by buying a vacation property that is held in a trust or other structure so it is equally owned by all heirs. “That keeps it intact for at least another generation and ensures that it is not...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 15, 2017 | Career Maintenance, Career Preparation, Charity, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship, Firearm Legacy, Firearm Training, Punishment, Religious Faith
Great article. Personally, I call my practice “family protection” law and the author appears to be on the same page as me. In its most fundamental state, estate planning should support the family (or the individual) first, and thereafter concern...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | May 15, 2017 | Career Maintenance, Career Preparation, Charity, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship, Firearm Legacy, Punishment, Religious Faith
Among affluent families, the disconnect between what their current wealth transfer planning does, and what they want their planning to do, is staggering. While 75 percent of wealthy parents say it’s important to leave an inheritance to the next generation, only...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Apr 23, 2017 | Asset Protection, Career Preparation, Creditors & Predators, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Spendthrift Children
Are 72 virgins really enough? What if they turn out to be 72 Virginians? If you are bound and determined to blow yourself into smithereens or commit some other irrevocable act of terror, at least buy some life insurance so your (surviving) descendants can live like...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Apr 20, 2017 | Career Maintenance, Career Preparation, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection
The Number 1 living arrangement today for Americans in the 18-to-34 age bracket, according to the Census Bureau, is to reside without a spouse in their parents’ home. Source: Census: More Americans 18-to-34 Now Live With Parents Than With...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Apr 11, 2017 | Asset Protection, Career Preparation, Creditors & Predators, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Spendthrift Children
Regardless of the tax implications, there are several nontax reasons to set up a dynasty trust. First, you can designate the beneficiaries of the trust assets spanning multiple generations. Typically, you might provide for the assets to follow a line of...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Mar 29, 2017 | Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Religious Faith
Mainstream medicine simply won’t go here, however, as compelling as the evidence is. So “we the people” need to guide our nation and communities back to sense about the perils of homosexuality and gender confusion, especially to our children. Source:...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Mar 28, 2017 | Business Succession, Career Maintenance, Career Preparation, Charity, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship, Firearm Legacy, Pet Protection, Punishment, Religious Faith
Over the next 20 years, $30 trillion dollars could be transferred from the current generation to the next, making now a critical time for advisors to discuss multigenerational planning with high net worth clients. Along with planning for the financial...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Mar 17, 2017 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection
There are many ways to prevent a child’s spouse from becoming a “creditor” of a family-owned business. Below are three common ways to protect the family-owned business: Source: How to protect your family-owned business from your child’s spouse | Thompson Coburn...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Mar 8, 2017 | Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection
Now, I’m going to suggest a crazy dating concept in the 21st Century that might get you to the finish line without any wounds! Wait until you’ve got the full commitment! Make him put a ring on it first. I know one girl who is waiting until she gets married to...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Mar 5, 2017 | Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection
According to WealthCounsel’s recent inaugural Estate Planning Awareness Survey: Such disputes often occur among the not-so-rich and-famous as well: More than one-third (35%) of respondents have either personally experienced, or known someone who has...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Feb 14, 2017 | Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship, Tax Planning
As Valentine’s Day brings heart-shaped chocolate boxes and roses by the dozen into your clients’ imaginations, seize the moment to educate them about the drawbacks of “I love you” wills and introduce them to the estate planning move that’s actually going to...
by Dave Duringer - Protective Law Corp | Feb 10, 2017 | Business Succession, Career Maintenance, Career Preparation, Charity, Estate Planning, Family Maintenance, Family Protection, Financial Mentorship, Firearm Legacy, Firearm Training, Punishment, Religious Faith, Spendthrift Children
Good discussion of incentive trust planning: Many subjects that serve as substantial planning motivators aren’t found on client questionnaires and are frequently absent from planning discussions. Source: The Other Reasons For Estate Planning (Well actually, we...