
Suicide Risk Doubles with Transgender Surgery

California men who undergo transgender surgery (removing male genitals and replacing with something else) double their risk of suicide. How long will we continue to allow this demonic, macabre nonsense? Most children confused about what sex they are, grow out of that...

There Has Never Been a School Shooting Where Armed Teachers Allowed

Despite all the leftist rhetoric against arming teachers, there has never been a school shooting at a school where armed teachers are allowed to carry a firearm for defense of themselves and students. This should not be surprising to anyone who follows mass attacks,...

Fed Judge Enjoins Unconstitutional CA Ammo Restrictions

[UPDATE: Ninth Circus issued a stay today of the injunction by Judge Benitez. Not totally unexpected, but this particular circus is fast losing credibility. The State has ZERO chance of winning on the merits under the text/history test mandated by Bruen. Furthermore,...

Fed Judge Enjoins Unconstitutional CA Concealed Carry Place Restrictions

How does all of this make you feel about relying on politics and the courts to protect your family? How can the government be so fickle with your right to life? Maybe it’s time your family takes control, with a F.I.R.S.T. Family Trust? [GOOD NEWS 01/06/2024: On...

Noisome Signs SB2, Establishing Opportunity Zones for BLM, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda

After failure to pass a similar bill last year, Gov. Noisome recently signed into law SB2, which makes a concealed carry license more difficult and expensive to get, and basically worthless once you get it. But there is an upside for some: new opportunity zones for...

Israel Gun Ownership Only 2%, Lack of Gun Culture Threatens Families

[UPDATE: Gun sales and license applications are now surging in Israel. Imagine that. Almost like LA, the day after a riot. Does the same thing happen with fire extinguishers?] Israel gun ownership is only 2%. By contrast, over half of Americans own guns. It is not a...

California Gun Trust Planning

Presentation by Attorney Dave Duringer clears up confusion over California Gun Trust Planning. What is a Gun Trust? Is a Gun Trust Effective? Is a Gun Trust Necessary? Is a Gun Trust Recommended? YES! Every California gun owner should have one! A regular trust might...

California Just Made This Picture of My Daughter Illegal (AB 2571)

California just enacted AB 2571 to restrict the ability of gun owners to transmit gun culture to their kids. This blatantly unconstitutional act bans advertising that may attract minors to firearms and the penalties for violation are huge, up to $25,000 per...

NYSRPA v Bruen Exceeds Expectations

Now that I’ve read the full majority opinion and concurrences, I have a few comments and predictions to make regarding NYSRPA v Bruen (I’ve omitted citations, so please just go to the actual opinion and use CTRL-F if you need to find something). I ignored...

Supreme Court Overrules Roe v Wade, Returns Abortion Issue to People and Elected Reps

The Supreme Court of the United States, a few minutes ago, released its opinion in Dobbs v Jackson overturning both Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey, thus returning the issue of abortion to the People and their elected representatives. The decision is either...

Supreme Court Strikes Down Restriction on Right to Bear Arms in Public – NYSRPA v Bruen 6-3 Decision for 2A!

In a blockbuster decision released minutes ago, the Supreme Court of the United States has held with a solid 6-3 majority in the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, that New York’s statutory restriction against bearing arms...

Prodigal Son Breaks News To Dad That He Spent His Entire Inheritance On Gender Studies Degree

I stole the title of this post from a great Babylon Bee article that just came out. For those who don’t know, Babylon Bee is satire. Strangely, their satirical articles often do come true. And this particular title hews closely enough to family settings often...

Israelis with gun licenses should carry arms, says Prime Minister

Since the drive-by terrorist shootings in Bnei Brak a couple of days ago, which killed five people and ended with the terrorist’s death in a gun battle with two police officers, one of whom was killed, Israel has decided to be more proactive in defending against...

What would George Washington do in a Mass Shooting (or Ukraine)?

Mass Shooting First, the mass shooting scenario: Would George Washington run to the fire? Or would he simply call 911 and run to safety? None of us can know in advance whether we will be capable and willing to deliver heroism in such a situation. We can assume our...