
One in three Americans who get an inheritance blow it – MarketWatch

  “Great wealth transfer” has joined “silver tsunami” in the lexicon of aging America. It refers to the wave of wealth, estimated to be in the trillions, which will flow from the oldest generation in the coming decades. Yet evidence suggests that many Americans...

How Boomers Are Redefining ‘Legacy’

Some families construct a legacy of memories and real estate, say by buying a vacation property that is held in a trust or other structure so it is equally owned by all heirs. “That keeps it intact for at least another generation and ensures that it is not...

“Estate Planning” Needs an Extreme Makeover

  Great article. Personally, I call my practice “family protection” law and the author appears to be on the same page as me. In its most fundamental state, estate planning should support the family (or the individual) first, and thereafter concern...